Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Had a really nice weekend.

Saturday, had lunch with my friend, Hollie, at PF Chang's. Love lunches with her, time flies and we both just get to vent about anything and everything. So nice. After that, i ran some errands, stopping at Sam's Club and the Farmer's Market for fruit for the week. Went home after that and chilled with Kurt for the rest of the day (and night).

Sunday, headed out to Rebecca's for the day. We dropped by her parents' house to drop some food off that Rebecca had for her Dad (he said it was the best salad he ever ate) and then headed to the zoo and lunch. Lunch was at this Vietnamese place that she had a gift card for and it was yummy! Some of the best miso I have ever had and the crab rangoon was amazing. The zoo, however, kinda depresses me, and I don't know why. I love seeing animals, but I would really rather see them in the wild where they belong. I know the Detroit Zoo only has animals that cannot live in the wild because they were injured, etc., but taking a pic of an animal with a cage in the background is kinda sad. But, I had a fab time chatting with Rebeccca and aimlessly wandering. We do that well! :).

Kurt and kory went on Sunday to pick up two cocktail style arcade games for the basement that we found on Craigslist. One has 48 different games and the other just has Donkey Kong. Oh my God. So fun. I especially love Frogger and Burger Time, but am slowly playing all the games and loving it. They are kewl too because you sit at the games, instead of having to stand. And you can play everything two players. Kurt and I are SO like kids sometimes. LOL.

Bugsy had a vet appointment last night for hiss rabies shot. He was a very good kitty and they said he is in perfect health and the at a perfect weight. He weighted 8.75 pounds. So small for a cat for us. Toby, out last cat, weighed like 18 pounds at one point. Bought the pugs Heartgard pills since I had run out too. I swear, it's just like having kids sometimes! Or not! :).

Night all!

Secret Post, yo.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Playing Hooky

Kurt and I skipped part of the work day today, to watch the Tigers SPANK the White Sox. What a lovely afternoon...Perfect 85 degree sunny weather, seats in the lower level right behind home plate and pretty mucch nobody sitting near us for some reason. And the people sitting near us were NOT White Sox fans! Bonus! The game was awesome, I loved relaxing, and it was overall a fabulous afternoon. Yay for half day Fridays.

We went to dinner tonight at our normal place for sushi. And had the worst service I have EVER had there. It was comical almost. Our waitress had an IQ of maybe, giving her the benefit of the doubt, umm, 60. First, it took her like at least 15 minutes to come to where we were sitting. She got there and took our order, leaving our menus. Weird. She then showed up with our soup, which was supposed to be clam chowder and miso. She brought minestrone and chicken tortellini. Finally replaced that. Our meal, she brought one roll, the Sammy Davis Drop. Problem? We ordered two. She did not bring us napkins or silverware or chopsticks (which I grabbed from another table) and she did not refill our drinks (we had to stop a manager and ask for that). She was a complete and total ditz, it was SOOOO weird. We were watching the game, so whatever, but it was kinda annoying. I will specifically NOT want her as a waitress in the future. Lame. Dinner was yummy, as usual though.

Finally got new running shoes last night. I ended up with Asics Gel Foundation 8 in white and pink. I wore them to run two miles last night and WOW. Shin splints gone. Already. Really shows that you need to replace your shoes more often then every 2 years and 2 months. Whoops. :).

My picture order came in and I put all the pics in my new frame, and it looks awesome. I need to get Kurt to hang it up for me though....Also, put three pics in frames at the office and they look super cute. Kurt's new mousepad is ADORABLE too with pug pics. He loves it.

I have so many little things I need to do this weekend. I want to stop at the farmer's market and buy fruit for the week so I am not stuck with the crappy selection at Kroger's. Want to do laundry. Want to clean some......But, I am going to just relax and do whatever. I have plans with Hollie tomorrow and Rebecca on Sunday, so will try to do other stuff in between. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Galapagos.org : GNP NEWS: New Nest Found in Lonesome George's Corral

Galapagos.org : GNP NEWS: New Nest Found in Lonesome George's Corral

Shared via AddThis

Awesome, awesome news. Kurt and I were here, and saw Lonesome George. I really have a special place in my heart for the tortoises and all the wildlife in the Galapagos. I really hope the eggs are fertile!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Shoes--Really Needed, ;)

OMG, I need new running shoes. Just looked up on this blog when I last bought running shoes--yea, it was April 2007. I think it has been too long. I started running again yesterday (after a break when I have been biking) and my shins are killing me. I thought it was prob either because I have not been running a lot, or the shoes. Yea, it is the shoes....So, I need to take a trip to the running store and see what they think. Will prob be Asics, but who knows, maybe I will branch out.

Or not.

Monday, July 20, 2009

From Rebecca

Thanks Rebecca! Please fill out and add to your own blog! :).

1. What time did you get up this morning? 810 am

2. How do you like your steak? I don't eat steak. I prefer not to consume dead animals.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Proposal with Rebecca and Jen. Loved it.

4. What is your favorite TV show? The Gilmore Girls

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Panama, in the jungle, near the ocean

6. What did you have for breakfast? Nothing, I dont normally eat breakfast. I did have diet cherry coke.

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Japanese.

8. What foods do you dislike? Meat.

9. Favorite Place to Eat? Crave in Dearborn. Awesome food and atmosphere.

10. Favorite dressing? Ranch

11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? Depends on the day. The car I drive the most is a Saab 9-3 Aero.

12. What are your favorite clothes? capri pants and a t-shirt with flip flops.

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? Borneo

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? 1/2 full

15. Where would you want to retire? Panama, in the jungle near the ocean

16. Favorite time of day? After work

17. Where were you born? Hospital in Alma, MI

18. What is your favorite sport to watch? Baseball

19. Who do you think will not tag you back? NA

20. Person you expect to tag you back first? NA

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Anyone

22. Bird watcher? Yes

23. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night

24. Do you have any pets? Three chinese pugs and one persian cat as well as lots and lots of animals on our property.

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? Not really.

26. What did you want to be when you were little? lawyer, eye doctor

27. What is your best childhood memory? Hanging out with my cousins

28. Are you a cat or dog person? Both

29. Are you married? Yes

30. Always wear your seat belt? Most of the time

31. Been in a car accident? yes

32. Any pet peeves? HA, yes. Screaming babies in airplanes or restaurants, slow drivers in the fast lane, and many many more.

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings? feta cheese, onions

34. Favorite Flower? Water Lily

35. Favorite ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough

36. Favorite fast food restaurant? Fazzolis

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None

38. From whom did you get your last email? Facebook

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? the American Airlines website

40. Do anything spontaneous lately? Not really.

41. Like your job? Yes

42. Broccoli? yuck

43. What was your favorite vacation? Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica

44. Last person you went out to dinner with? Kurty, Scott and Kory

45. What are you listening to right now? TV

46. What is your favorite color? cobalt blue and kelly green

47. How many tattoos do you have? zero

48. How many are you tagging for this quiz? None

49. What time did you finish this quiz? 1020pm

50. Coffee Drinker? Nope

Sunday, July 19, 2009


So, my day of doing nothing turned into some errands, but errands are actually kinda relaxing to me, as long as they are not work related.

Headed first to Tractor Supply to buy suet and bird food. We have some of the most spoiled birds ever. I don't even want to know what we spend on bird feed each summer. But, we really like the variety of birds we get at our feeders, and we love the amount of birds we have. Sometimes you can look out and see 50 birds feeding at the two feeders--it's pretty kewl. We have had a lot of yellow finches lately, which is kewl, because I used to only see like one, once in a while. I think they like this one type of feed Kurt bought last time.

Next, headed to Petsmart because the pugs needed food and I had two coupons for money off bags of food. I got the coupons from the Plymouth Art Fair. Used the coupons, and headed to Kohl's. I had a 30% off coupon, so I wanted to go browse since I rarely get the 30% off one! I ended up, finally, purchasing some new knives. I have been wanting some forever, but not wanted to spend the money. I got an amazing deal with the coupon and them being marked down already though, so I was happy with that. Also got a cute new dark grey shirt for work, a $5 gorilla stuffed animal for the pugs and an awesome new picture frame for the kitchen that holds 21 4 by 6 pics. I had to pick out 21 and let me tell you, that was hard. I take a lot of pictures.....Oh, you all know this? haha. Ordered the pics tonight and cannot wait to put up the pics. They are going to look super kewl in there.

Headed to Meijer's next to pick up some Boca and Morningstar products and other groceries we were out of. Then went to the mall because Kurt wants some new baseball hats. Could not find anything, but accidentally ran across two pairs of shoes on clearance at Elder Beerman....Whoopsie. I needed a new pair (OK, needed may be the wrong word there) of black heels, because my fav pair had to be thrown away, as they died.........

Came home after that and chilled with Kurt. Did some stuff around the house, worked out. Checked out his new handy work on the bathroom in the basement, which is coming along awesome. Decided that I totally want a new kitchen, but Kurt is not letting me pick anything else out like that now until he finishes the basement, which may be a while. We decided we are going to double the size of the kitchen though when we do it. Our kitchen is kinda divided into a kitchen and an area where your kitchen table goes. I don't have a kitchen table though (just a dining room table in the dining room). So, we are going to extend the kitchen into the eating area. I am hoping to get a deep freezer for in there as well as some more counters and cabinets and stuff. Who knows. It's a ways off......

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Lazy Sundays

This week was pretty busy......Scott (kurt's brother) came back into town on Monday and spent the week here before Kurt's Mom's party this past Saturday. He just left this morning. Anyway, this resulted in me not having a lot of time to post, so this may be a longer one.....I can't even remember much about this week, unfortunately.

Val and her new boyfriend came over this Tuesday for dinner. It was nice to see her and meet her new guy. He is totally different than other guys she has dated. Older than her (which is good for her since she is so mature for her age). In fact, their ageg difference is the exact same as mine and Kurt's, so I think that is a sign...haha. Anyway, he is Italian, an accountant with a career making good money. Has a good sense of humor.....He was not offended by anything said by any of us, and with Kurt, Scott and kory at a dinner table, a LOT can be said. We played some Bocce (girls won, whoot) and had dinner at Pete's. Came home and played pool and girls lost--booo.

Had a school board organizational meeting on the 13th, where i was voted in as secretary again, which was nice. short meeting too, even NICER. We kinda just went over the schedule for next year. Found out a woman at the school who has JUST retired a month ago died of a heart attack. So sad. She was not very old and in good shape, just started retirement and BOOM. Heart attack. I hate stuff like that.

We took half the day off on Friday, which I really, really needed. The office was crazy this week, and I was really burnt out. Anyway, on the way home, called my massage therapist to see if I could somehow get it, and she miraculously had an appointment at 230. Realized when I got there that it had been like double the amount of time i ususally go between getting massages, which is bad for me. My shoulders and neck were really messed up. Was glad to get in, and felt so much better afterwards.

Kurt's Mom's party was this Saturday, and I will post more about that on my private blog later......However, she was really excited that the entire family was there, and it was a nice day. We stopped on the way home from that in Birch Run, because Kurt needed some things. We bought him some really nice sunglasses at Sunglasses Hut. They are Burberry. He did not want the case, so I stole it for my sunglasses......:). Also bought him some new clothes at Calvin Klein, and shoes at Adidas. Kurt was also patient enough (he hates shopping) to let me run into the Ann Taylor outlet (LOVE that store, they have like $88 skirts usually on sale for like $24) and I ended up buying three new skirts and two shirts. Headed home after that.

Hopefully, today is a lazy day. Thus far, it is. I would like to run to the grocery store for a few odds and ends, and to Kohl's because I have a good coupon to use, but other than that, I am going to sit around here and chill.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Random Stuff

OMG, Saturday was super hot here. Headed to a hair appointment in the morning, highlights, a cut, and eye brow wax. Yay. Oddly, I got there and my hair colorist was not in and they put me with someone else (which was fine, they are all good at this salon). I thought it was weird they did not call me to tell me they were switching me, but then today, I got a voice mail. For some reason, the voice mail from Saturday morning they left did not come thru until Monday afternoon. Headed after that to my Aunt's in Canton to head to the Plymouth art fair. HUGE art fair, a TON of people and over 90 degrees = me not happy. I hate congestion coupled with heat. We made it thru, and if anything, the heat made me not too interested in buying anything, LOL. Auntie got a really good deal on a black pearl ring. Headed home after that and Kurty and I went for sushi since we were too tired on Friday to get it. Had a nice dinner, played some pool at home, and chilled. Kurt worked all day on the tile in one of the basement bathrooms. He put in my fav color, cobalt blue, with some decorative pieces. Looks awesome. Too nice for a basement, IMO, but whatevs, with Kurt putting it in, we do save a TON of money.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day. I did a lot of picking up of stuff around the house and a grocery shopping trip. I bought this interesting new product by Purex since I had a coupon. Tried it today, and not sure of my thoughts yet as the clothes are still drying. Saved a ton of money wtih coupons, gotta love the deals I find.....Whoot. Made yummy Kung Pao Grilled Tuna for dinner, and made a homemade apple crisp and some new tartar sauce.

Work was pretty crazy today, as usual. I swear, I don't know where the hours go. There was some kind of water main break at the courts downtown, so our hearings got cancelled. I did have a quick mediation this afternoon, which did not settle. AARGH. I am having the worst luck lately with mediations. I wish the Judges did not force them in every case, cuz some cases are just not settling. Had a board meeting tonight where I was voted on as board secretary again, which is kewl.

Watching the Home Run Derby right now. Brandon Inge did pathetic, but it was nice to see a Tiger in the Derby! Kurt and I love this event, it was awesome the couple years we have gotten to go.

BTW, I am loving our pool table. Kurt and I have been playing nightly, and with the TVs down there, it is really starting to feel like a sports room! :). Can't wait until the entire basement is done.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kids and Guns=Bad

This story made me absolutely livid.

Kid kills someone while hunting. He mistakes a female hiking, for a bear. EASY two things to mix up, right? Yea.......And, the kid gets pretty much nothing. "30 days in juvenile detention and 120 hours of community service, and four hours of hunting safety education". For KILLING SOMEONE.

I am not saying that the kid meant to do this. I am sure it was a tragic mistake and accident, and I am not saying that he should get life in prison or anything, but this punishment seems really, really lenient.

However, what i don't get is HOW THIS KID IS ALLOWED TO HUNT EVER AGAIN, especially as a minor? He just has to take a freaking hunting safety education course (which he oddly, has already taken)????? And if his parents are truly going to allow him to hunt again, I think they are off their freaking rockers. I get when kids make mistakes, you have to let them learn from them. But, if I was this kid's parents, NO WAY IN HELL would the kid be near a gun to hunt as long as the kid was in my custody and a minor. (besides the fact that this would never happen to a child of mine, because I really don't think kids should be anywhere near guns, but that's another topic altogether).

I don't understand how the kid is not old enough to drive, not old enough to vote, not old enough to drink, but he can use a gun to shoot and kill things. Then, shoots a woman, kills her, and this is the punishment he gets. My heart really goes out to her family, and I hope it sends a message to hunters to be more careful. You just don't shoot because you *think* something is a bear. You better know. Weirdly, I don't think it sends a message at all. The message it sends is "no biggie if you shoot a person, you just get some community service". This country completely seems to cater to hunters and hunting and it makes me sick.

That woman's husband will never talk to her again. Never hike with her again. Never get to tell her he loves her. And this kid walks free, with the freedom to hunt and kill again. Nice.

Some things I will never, ever get.

****I am going to temporarily leave comments open on this. I do not want any comments attacking me though for my position on this. I will delete them. I don't care if you agree with me or not, but I also am never, ever in a million years going to change my opinion, so arguing with me about the pros of hunting and kids having guns will be pointless. Thanks.

Friday, July 10, 2009

New Pet

Had dinner on Monday night with my friend, Nancy, at Portofino's in Wyandotte. We sat on the outside deck, overlooking the river, sooooo nice. The weather was perfect, and it was awesome to sit and catch up. Nancy and I can talk for hours without it seeming like any time has gone by. It was a great dinner. After she takes the bar exam later this month, we will have to do dinner again and talk about how hellacious that stupid test it! :).

Had dinner this week with Kurt's friend, Terry, as well. He was in town for an IRS convention (he started working at the IRS the same time Kurt did and is working there still). Anyway, we went to Greek Town and had dinner at Pizza Papalis, which I had never been to before. I got seafood pizza, and it was really good. The place is really laid back too, which I love. Watched the Tigers game and really got to catch up with Terry, who we had not seen in forever.

Thursday night, headed to the art fair in Wyandotte with my Aunt. Did not buy ANYTHING, which is not normal for me and that art fair. I liked some stuff, but I have a lot of jewelry, so I have to really like something to get it. Auntie, on the other hand, got three really kewl necklaces and the glass files for her nails she likes to use (the ones at the fair are cute and decorated). We had dinner afterwards at an Italian place in Wyandotte.....I was so bummed though! There was this place I LOVED eating at in Wyandotte and we tried to go there, and they were CLOSED. Some people were standing by and told us that there was something shady going on, and the owner apparently fled the country after the Sheriff came and shut the place down. No idea on the details, but BOOOO. They had amazing blackened tuna there. Yum. Another good place in my area closed. Ugh.

This week has been crazy busy at the office. We had an excessive amount of hearings, with all four attorneys being out of the office at court quite a bit in the mornings. One day, we had 19 hearings, and two mediations. It was kinda crazy. And yesterday we had a hearings at 4 different courts in two different counties all between 810 AM and 1230 PM. Somehow, it all worked out though.

**Pic above is of me trying to get in the pic with the raccoon.

OMG, just took a break from this post to sit for a while and watch the raccoon, sitting on our back porch. The dogs about had a coronary, and were barking insanely and we were like, WTH is out there? He was hanging by the sunroom window, so I went in there and Bugsy and I watched him for a long time. Busgy was totally fixated by the cutie. Every time he came by the window, Bugsy would stand on his hind legs and try to hit the window. I tried to get some pics of him, but the lighting was weird and it was thru a window. Another animal to add to the ones on our property! Yay! I can't believe thru all the pug and beagle barking, the raccoon just stayed there. he was not really scared at all.

**Pic above is of Bugsy, intently watching the raccoon.

We have also been dealing with some interesting situations at the office this week. I think I might post a private blog later about it, just for everyone to be amused at. It is much more amusing after the fact. ;).

**Mr. Raccoon, right next to the door I was sitting by. Not scared of me at all.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

So, I have been really busy, and out of town! :). I left on Thursday, after working half a day, for Manistee, to visit my Mom, stepDad, sister, brother in law, nephew Nick and various friends. Manistee is an awesome place to be for the 4th--everyone usually "comes home" to visit, and there are a ton of activities and stuff going on for the Manistee Forest Festival. Plus, Manistee in right on Lake Michigan. Not much more you could ask for in a summer beach town.
Anyway, got there around 630 on Thursday (4+ hour drive, ugh), and headed to KMart because I realized I forgot my contact solution and case. Whoops. Then headed to Big Al's to buy breadsticks for dinner because they have the best breadsticks of anywhere in life. Seriously. To die for. Headed to my Mom's after that, and spent the rest of the night there. Friday we got up and met my friend Shannon and her Mom, Cindy (a good friend of my Mom's) for breakfast. Went and saw Shannon's new house next, which is really nice.......They live right in town now which is kewl. After that, headed to see Heidi's office and to see her all important and dr.-like, haha. Headed to my Mom's next to wait for my sister and nephew who were coming over. They got there and we pretty much just played with Nick the remainder of the afternoon. Went to the fish boil at the beach, then home for the night. My Mom and Ronnie (stepDad) went to he fireworks. I was kinda tired though, so I stayed home and hung out with Nick and Christie.

Saturday, we got up and headed to the art fair at the beach. I bought Kurt a rock painted like a chimp for his desk (it's kinda like a paperweight). Saw Heidi and Betsie at the art fair as well. Went back to the house after that and headed to Pizza Hut with the entire family (minus Ronnie). Nick drank out of a straw for the first time. It was pretty cute to see. He did it, and he got really excited. You could tell he was super proud of himself. We kept making him do it and he wanted to drink out of everyone's glass (and of course, we all let him). Went home after that and Mom and I headed to downtown Manistee to walk around some of the stores and stuff like we always do. There are a lot of cute specialty type stores, antique stores, etc. that I love to browse in. Had a family BBQ after that, and then Christie and family went home. I was going to go to the beer tent to try and catch up with some friends from high school, but I was having fun at the house hanging with my Mom and Ronnie, and was kinda tired, so I just ended up chilling there.

Got up Sunday morning, talked to my Mom for a while, then headed home for the LONG ride. I was glad I did not hit any major traffic stops or anything. Kory's trip took EIGHT HOURS because of stopped traffic. He totally should have taken my way home. He went to basically the same place (Maple City is about 45 minutes from Manistee) and his trip home took twice as long. UGH.