Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Had a busy day today. How come all of my posts start that way? Studied at the office. Had to come home once at lunch because our new TV was being delivered. Took care of that, went back to work. Then, when we got home tonight, another guy was coming over to fix our other TV. So, everything is up and working again. Yay. Made Kurt a nice dinner (to take a break from studying) of fresh cajun grilled catfish, a cajun style rice, and cut up fresh fruit (pineapple and strawberry). I swear my cat is turning into a dog. Toby actually begs for food all the time. Even things you would never think a cat would like, such as fruit, veggies, etc. He never used to do this, so it's kinda hilarious. I cannot wait for the day that I don't have school all the time--and I can come home and make dinner at night and spend time with my husband and animals. I am beyond sick of studying, and I actually LIKE what I am learning. I keep telling myself--less than a year left, less than a year left. Right now, I am reading and holding little Gretel. Oscar and Vito are chewing on toys next to me. I love my doggies! :).

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