Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I am a Traitor

Hair traitor, that is. I have been going to the same hairdresser for a really long time now, and I love him to pieces. The prob you ask? He is in Royal Oak, which is a hellacious, traffic filled drive which takes up an entire night. I have such limited free time--I just finally made the decision to try some place new closer to my house. I figured, if I hate it, I can always go back and explain my wrongdoings to Roman who will take me back no problem. So, I tried the place I had my pedicure at on Saturday, Blu Water Spa and Salon. My stylist was Kelly and I actually really like my hair. My hair is pretty noncomplex, so I should not be surprised that someone else did a good job, but I am pretty adamant normally about letting nobody but the staff at Alex Emilio's touch these strands. Another positive note, with tip, it was $56 less than my normal hair bill. I may need to go more often at these savings. :). So, that is it. I have officially cheated. Maybe once i am done with school, I will go back, but for now, it is comforting to know I have someone up the road who can help me out. Sigh. I love getting my hair done.
The new carpet in the office looks awesome. So glad we got it done, even though we don't own the place. Was slammed all day at the office. Went to pick up the Spyder after work, and headed home. I can't believe all the sun I am getting this year, working in the yard and riding with the top down.
Still don't have my final grade in school. I hate when I am waiting for one little grade, especially when it is from the hardest exam I took. BLAH.

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