Friday, May 27, 2005

My Beyotches

Yesterday afternoon, one of my best friends, Kerry, called me at work. And......drumroll please--tells me she is pregnant again! She has a little girl, Sara Ann, who was born in August 2004. I knew she had decided to try again, so every time I talk to her, it is the first thing I ask her. So, I knew right away when she called, but was kinda surprised because I just saw her Friday night and she was not pregnant then (or did not know yet anyway). So, I ask her if my friend, Marla, is pregnant too. I ask this jokingly, although I know that she has been trying as well. She tells me no, not that she knows of. So, like TWO seconds later, Marla calls to tell me that she is pregnant too. I was like "YOU BITCHES! You planned tricking me!" Or course, they found this hysterical and could not believe they pulled the whole trick off. Bad, bad friends. LOL. It was actually pretty kewl, and I am really excited for both of them (just glad it's not me since I have not yet gotten the pregnancy bug). So, this will be pretty interesting, watching them both through their pregnancies. They think they will have the same due date. I saw Kerry a lot through her last pregnancy, but Marla lived in Interlochen during when she was pregnant with Bodie and I did not see her once. :(. At least she is down here now!
In other news, we put in an offer on that house and the purchase agreement is signed. We are buying it. Are most likely going to immediately put it up for sale after the purchase, assuming the city lets us break off the land onto our house. I am trying to get Julia and Jay to look at it, because the house is really kewl (and right behind mine), but Jay is pretty set on living in Troy or around where they are now. Although I think Julia would love it.
Our pine trees were delivered and are ALL on the side of the house. Kurt is going to plant them tomorrow and I CAN'T WAIT!
Anyway, bed is calling me. I will write more later..........

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