Saturday, December 10, 2005

Best and Worst of Fall 2005

This part of the semester is the best and the worst, all rolled into one.

I love being 'done' with classes. No more lectures, no more going to class EVERY night until 9:00 p.m., no more reading assignments, no more being called on in class.....

But, at the same time, now I have exams. One test that basically equals your grade for an entire semester of work. Every semester I freak out, and every semester I do fine. But I still freak out, it's just how I am, LOL.

This year I have four in-class exams, and one take home. I have not had a take home exam, but frankly, I am looking forward to it. We have 5 days to write the exam, so I can work on it in between studying for the last two. And the breakup of the exams is great as well. My first two (on Tues and Wed) are one hard/one easy, then my last two (the following week on Mon and Tues) are one hard/one easy.

I still can't believe I have to take exams so late in December. I should be packing for Hawaii, but instead, I have to study and work up until we leave on the 21st. That will be such a reward for all my hard work this semester. I can't wait to see volcanos and waterfalls and do nothing but relax and explore the islands.

So, anyway, back to studying! Tax and Alternative Dispute Resolution, what fun!


  1. Good Luck Sweety!
    I am the same way! I freak out and then end up with good grades. If you get yourself ready for the worst then you are happy when you do well. That is how I look at it at least.
    I am finished and took my ppr test this morning so I am going to smoke and bite my nails until I get the results.
    You are such a trooper. I could not even imagine doing as much as you do.
    You will deserve the rest in Hawaii. I am so jealous! :)

  2. You are kidding, right?? You have to take care of two kids on TOP of everything else you do! :)

  3. Everyone has a different level of stress and responsibilities. I have kids you have a law firm...we both have babies...and husbands!
