Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Fun Never Stops

Happy Birthday to Me!! :). I am so exhausted that we are not going to celebreate until later, maybe this weekend. This week has totally worn me out........

Graduation was Monday night! I officially had a J.D. Crazy, hun? It still does not seem real to me....Anyway, the day was fun. I got to leave work after half a day, and then we went home. My Grama/Grampa, Mom/Ronnie got here around 2:30 p.m. and my grandparents got to see the house which they have never been to before. Then, we all went to an early dinner at Red Lobster. After that, Aunt Karen and my other Grama met us at our house and we all left in two cars together. My Dad, Julia and Jay met us down there. The ceremony was long and pretty boring. I was most concerned with tripping in my heels on the stage, so once I did not do that, I was psyched. Kurt was convinced I would since I rarely wear heels, LOL. He said he was ready with the camera to photograph my embarassing moment, but it did not happen so HA! Afterwards, there was a really nice reception at the Opera House and we took more pics.

The very next morning, I had to start my bar review courses. I had to leave the house at 730 a.m., and have had class each day since. Love the classes. Very, very helpful and I am so glad I took this. Many students only take BARBRI, but this PMBR class is superb. I am being so well refreshed in all this subjects I took like three years ago now......Today was Contracts, yesterday was Criminal Law. Tomorrow is Property. Yuck.

Anyway, I am going to sign off since I am exhausted and need to get some more work done before we leave.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Lori!!!


    You are one hell of an amazing woman!
