Monday, June 12, 2006

One Day--24 hours

Today was so busy. Sometimes, when I am sitting here at night, I don't really know how I do so much in one day.....Anyway, work this morning. Left to go to a doctor's appointment at 10 and while there waiting, read BARBRI stuff. Nothing like multitasking. Go me. HA. Anyway, short wait, so got back to the office around 1035 a.m. Then, worked more, had lunch with Kurty, and left to take Bugsy and Gretel to the vet with Kory. Bugsy was SO BAD. It was hilarious. He is obviously super spoiled because he did not like those vet techs messing with him, giving him shots.......But, they all loved him anyway...He is up to 3 pounds now. Gretel was angelic, as usual. She loves the vets and they all love her. But, after her appointment, they called me and I have to go back and get more meds because apparently, she has some form of parasite in her stool sample. Nothing serious, but I will have to find out more details about it when I call them back in the morning. Gretel weighed the same as last time, 15 pounds. The vet suggested we get her fixed now (should have at like 6 months), but I am really nervous about taking my dogs in after Daisy died from being put under (not at this vet, and a genetic defect with her, but still). So, I will prob schedule that soon........Then back to work and had class tonight, 3+ hours of fun fun Contracts. It actually was better than I anticipated.

So, here are some more pics. We have so many bunnies, here is a shot I got of one of them.

Also have a ton of birds in our yard, that follow us around when we walk back there...

Anyway, that's about it for tonight. Just watched the Tigs win it and noww I need to head off for bed.

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