Friday, July 07, 2006

4th of July Fun

So........we had a fabulous 4th of July weekend! Sunday morning, we left for Pittsburgh and the Tigers game. The drive was really quick (only 3.5 hours), but being a geography idiot, I thought Pennsylvania was lightyears away.....Not so. At least Pittsburgh, anyway.

Got there in plenty of time to walk to the game and check out the park, which is beautiful. Their park is the kewlest I have been to....there are a ton of places to eat outside the stadium, and the seats seem closer to the field and the players. Also, the City closes down the main bridge leading to the stadium, so fans can just walk right across the center of the bridge. we especially liked the bum who had a sign that said "I Need a Buzz." At least he was honest.....
To make a long story short, the Tigers won, but barely, and it was an awesome game (weather was a little hot, but hey, at least it did not rain, right?).
Next, we headed to our hotel to take showers and get ready for dinner.
We all wanted sushi, so Kory and I found a place online called The Original Fish Market,
which had both an extensive seafood menu and a sushi bar. We walked there from our hotel,
and the sushi was prob the best I have EVER had. And miso soup always makes me happy! :). I had a lobster roll and a shrimp roll.......And creme brulee for dessert.

Click here to see all pics from the trip.

The next morning, we headed off to the football hall of fame in Canton, OH.
Did not take long to get there, and we spent a few hours roaming the place and taking pics. It was pretty kewl, especially the really old stuff they had............
The next day for the 4th, my Aunt and I decided to go hiking. There is a place near her house that she likes called Mattheai Botanical Gardens, which I have never been to. I have had several friends tell me it's nice and I would like it, especially for the great photo ops it provides.
I love photographing outdoor anything that has to do with wildlife or nature, so this place was right up my alley. I had a field day at the indoor conservatory, outdoors gardens and hikes on the grounds. Got some amazing shots, my fav being one of a flower and butterfly. I love capturing stuff like that, as it provides me with material for the house that literally cannot be bought. That butterfly at that point in time, can never be shot in the exact same way........which is so kewl to me.
Other things, like flowers in the gardens, can be shot the same way by many there with their cameras (I was surprised with how many people had cameras thre besides me, I thought I was the only nut who lugged my camera with me everywhere), but the animals/ can get the most amazing shots.
I can't wait until I am done with the bar so I can start framing my stuff for the house, I have so many ideas. Damn the bar exam and studying, ;). We walked on one 1.8 Mile hiking trail and then headed to Parker Mill to check it out, and dinner.
Click here to see all pics from my hike in the gardens.

Other than that, not much else going on. Am staying in all weekend to study. Kory is up north, but will be back tomorrow afternoon.

Oh, Busgy is getting so big. I think he weighs about 4 pounds now and still followsme everywhere, he is such a Momma's boy.
And Vito was caught in the act of trying to steal quality beer the other night.....


  1. Oh my gosh Lori, I am not pulling your leg when I say this, those are some of the most beautiful pics I have ever seen. I have set your beautiful white flower with the black and white background as my wallpaper on my laptop. I would also love to get a large copy of it and frame it when we get a house, I just want your permission or do I need to pay the talented photographer for it...Really they are beautiful!!!!

  2. Thank you so much! I am sl glad others are enjoying my photoraphy as much as I enjoy doing it.......People keep telling me I should think about selling some of my stuff, but I don;t want to turn a hobby into a career, as it would make it less fun for me, I think....Anyway, once you guys move and get a house, anything you want, you are totally free to use. In fact, I would be honored! :). Luv ya.

  3. Thank you! I really do love it. I can see what you mean by turning something you like doing into something you have to do.
    They are awesome and I will probably just decorate the house in your pictures. When someone asks me "who took that" I can say "my very talented sweet friend in Michigan!"
    Love ya too!

  4. HAHA. I will have to sign the bottom of them so I can feel like a real photographer! :).
