Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I heart my new cell phone. As I previously posted, in December 2005, we bought a Treo 650 because my husband "needed" the Internet at all times. He had gone to Wisconsin over Thankgiving to visit his father and brother, and none of them, GOD FORBID, had internet at their homes. They also did not GOD FORBID have the Dish Network Baseball Package or even satellite TV! Imagine! Someone in the world not having all the latest technology? Whatever are they thinking? Ha.

Anyway, at that time, the phone was supposed to be mostly mine and Kurt would use it when he needed to check a score of a game, etc. Well, as I am sure you can guess, this did not last long. My pretty new phone turned into Kurt's phone, and I rarely got to use it. In the meantime, I became addicted (thanks Rebecca) to text messaging and I liked the Treo as well because it was ultra convenient for texting over our other cheap Nokia phone.

Thus, Saturday, my first free day from studying, I went to the Cingular store in Monroe and purchased myself a nice phone. My Mom says I deserve it, so I am not going to feel guilty about such a purchase. I am in love with this phone. It is literally the best phone for texting--ever. Plus, it has internet access and email access and is a fully functional PDA. I bought the Cingular 8125. Yay yay yay. It truly makes me so happy and I think it is much better than the Treo. I am not even going to let Kurt touch it because he will try and make me take the Treo so he can steal it.......


  1. OMG, that sounds like Mike - he says he absolutely must have the Internet on his phone so he can check the football scores this fall! I think you definitely deserve a new phone - enjoy! :-)

  2. that's hilarious, our husbands should meet and check scores and WE can go shopping....And Lisa, I should not give you my number because we would be burning up the text lines, LOL.

  3. What? You didn't get it on ebay? You get everything on ebay :-P I'm turning into a mini-Lori, I need to stop with ebay and sell my PDA so I can get the same phone!
