Sunday, August 13, 2006

Hiking Today

Lesley and I met today in Belleville at the Lower Huron Metro Park for some relaxing hiking. It was great. The trails were not very long, but it was awesome to just walk in the woods, where it was so much more cool, and talk to Lesley. Talking to her really makes me relax and forget about the stress going on in my life right now....

Did that, then came home and did a couple things around the house. Wonderful day!

Kurt's Dad left this morning and his brother left tonight, because....drumroll please.....the beach house is pretty much done. Kory has some minor cleanup and yardwork to do, and then we will be ready to sell. I can't freaking wait. I am really crossing our fingers that it sells for what our realtor is anticipating. I think we are also going to put the rental house up for sale. Dealing with renters made me learn that I just dont want to deal with renters. Its annoying, and I dont have the time.


  1. YAY!!! I know you are SO excited right now ;)

  2. A peaceful hike sounds so lovely - thanks for sharing the pic. And GOOD LUCK on the sale of the beach house - it looks great!!

  3. Thanks Chef! If you would have seen it beforehand, you would REALLY think it looks great, LOL. They did a ton of work to it. If it had more land, I would want to move there. I would love a house on the Lake.
