Sunday, August 27, 2006

In the Hidden Lakes Gardens

I woke up today and it was dreary out....looked like it had been raining and the sun was not anywhere in sight. Bummer. Rebecca, Lesley and I had plans to go to Belle Isle to the conservatory and to walk around.....I was thinking maybe it would be nicer up near Detroit but as SOON as I thought that, Rebecca texted me telling me it was pouring rain there.....and we decided just to do the trip another day. I really, really wanted to go out today and take some shots for Flickr and my collections, so I started trying to figure out what I could do.

My Aunt emailed me and I asked her if she knew of any indoor conservatories that I had not been to yet. The only one that was not really far away was called Hidden Lakes Gardens. It was about an hour away, but it was closer than anything else and I really needed to get out of the house and be outside. So, my Aunt came over and we went there. It was SOOOOO kewl. Loved it. We did the indoor conservatory, and walked the gardens on the grounds, including the hosta garden which was really unique. We also did the long drive around the property through the different tree gardens, which was interesting. There were hiking trails too, but we were really hot as it was an annoyingly muggy day and we had already been outside a lot in the gardens. So, we are going to go back sometime and do the trails when its not so high in temp out. I took a ton of pics, and you can see all of them at this link.

Came home and did dinner with Auntie, Kurt and Kory.

On another note, I know I posted about the camera I wanted in the last post. I have since, yet again, changed my mind. For a person who cannot stand indecisiveness, I sure am displaying the attributes of that kind of person right now. Anyway, I was looking up the camera I wanted and found out that a newer model is coming out next month. So, I am going to get that one I think. Click here to see it.

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