Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Something Good

Soooo, we finally closed on the land. I don't even recall if I posted about this before, but WHAT A PAIN. Everyone showed up today, we closed, and we are DONE. I never have to deal with the guy we bought our house and land from ever again. I can totally understand why the guy would not like us, but C'MON. I owe you money, just freaking take it. Anyway, all is done. Closed. Finito. Yay.

Came home after work and went on a really long walk outside with the dogs, Kurt and my camera. Took some shots of my yard. Click here to see them. I love my yard. It's so kewl that I can go out and get some fun shots, just by walking around my yard. It is so relaxing.......

Got a hilarious shot of Vito "jumping" in the yard for Kurt. Kurt was holding a flower and Vito thinks those are toys, so he jumps to try and get them.....

1 comment:

  1. That shot of the dog is so funny! What a stocky little acrobat he is!
