Thursday, October 26, 2006


I can't believe it. I am so psyched.

I posted previously about my interview tonight for the school board opening....And, guess who own? That would be me! I still am in shock and cannot believe it. My opponents were both really well known Monroe County people, and I can't believe I outscored them to get the job. I went in with the attitude that I would not be winning. Seriously. I just wanted to meet some people, start to learn about the area. And I won! I am so excited to start doing things in the community and learning about the school system. I go in on Monday to pick up my computer, email address, etc. and then my first meeting is next month. Sigh.

So, the details on the process, for wondering readers.....

I got there about 12 minutes early. I called my Mom on the way there so she could wish me luck...and rebecca texted me and said good luck too! :). I got there and was taken into a room with the other candidates. Two women, and one man. All three older than me (as I expected), and all really well known in the Monroe area and the school system. So, I was positive right there that I would not get the position (if I was not already positive, LOL). I was last, so after that started, I sat and chatted with everyone, trying to relax. Because I was a nervous wreck!

Finally, it was my turn. I was walked by the superintendent to the board room. I did not realize that there would be a LOT of people there! The entire board, for one. Then, the rest of the area was filled too, because people from the community go to the board meetings as well, and some teachers from the school. I shook hands with all the board members, and then sat down to be questioned. Basically, each person asked a question that was planned in advance. And the questions were HARD. I was not expecting to be asked such difficult questions, but I think my answers must have been sufficient. I was just honest and talked about what was important to me. And tried to relax. One question made me laugh almost because they asked how i would be having to give people answers that they dont want to hear, or bad news. My response was "Welcome to my Life". Meaning, being in law, this is what you do every day. I think they liked that response! ;).

After my interview, they took a break to tally the scores. Basically, each question I was asked (7 of them), I was scored on a 1-10 scale (as were the others). Whomever got the highest score got the position. So, they started by writing all the other scores. The guy got a really high score and I thought I was done. Then they wrote mine, and I beat his score! i could not believe it. I think my jaw dropped to the ground. They then did a Motion to accept me as the board member, and I was in! So, they took another break, and I talked to the Super about stopping in on Monday to pick up everything I need. And my first meeting is next month. Yay. I can't freaking wait.
Stayed for the board meeting. Everyone is so laid back, I am going to love this job, I know it. And I actually get to do something to help my community. I am so psyched.

Kurt and Kory and I went out for dinner to celebrate and have a drink and watch the Tigs. I have to say, I am so bummed that Grey's was a repeat tonight! No fair!

Oh, and Rebecca is giving me a massage as a celebratory gift. What more could a girl ask for?


  1. Well, I already told you I'd massage you before, but now it will be a "special" massage, haha.

    Seriously though, congrats!!!

  2. Anonymous1:25 AM

    CONGRATULATIONS! You get in there and make good things happen, Lady. You rock.

  3. Thanks guys! I am seriously still in a state of shock! But super excited.

  4. Congrats! That is fantastic news!! Good luck, I hope you are able to make some good changes for the community!!

  5. You already have it but CONGRATS!! I'm so excited for you and knew you'd get the position :)

  6. Yeah! Good stuff... get in there and shake it up!

  7. Yeah! Good stuff... get in there and shake it up!

  8. That is so fantastic Lori! You are going to do great!
