Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I Cook--Kinda

**pic of my meal above.

So tonight, I tried this receipe I found on a box and it was SOOO yummy. I manipulated it some to make it vegetarian, it is called Nacho Bake...............Click here to see it. I used boca instead of meat, and excluded the salsa. Easy to make and super good.

Right now, am watching The 40-Year Old Virgin. It was freaking hilarious. My Mom said she hated it. Of course, I loved it then. It was just so stupid it was funny.

Bugsy got into the basement and would not come up. He apparently loves boxes and was running around like a kid in a candy store.....

Work was insanely busy today, we did not get out of there until about 7:00 p.m. Ugh. Really tired, so this entry is going to be short.....


  1. The recipe sounds yummy! And I still have to see 40 year old virgin! Maybe this weekend.

  2. Psh, why don't you cook for me?

    You know how I know you're gay? You don't cook me nachos, ha.

  3. HAHA. I will cook you nachos! The meal would have actually been better for 3-4 people. I had about half left over.

    And Lisa, the movie is completely mindless, so watch it when you need to watch something and not think. So funny.

