Saturday, November 11, 2006

I Know Myself.....

So, post from last night? It would have been correct. Shortly after I posted, I vomited. And then proceeded to do so about every hour for most of the night. What was wrong with me, I have no idea. I was up most of the night, and Kurt was worried too....He said that was the sickest he has ever seen me. He said if I had not stopped vomitting by 9 a.m., he was taking me to the doctor's. I hate the doctor's, so I proceeded to stop vomitting, LOL.

So, today, I have pretty much laid on the couch all day and zoned in and out of sleep, which I needed since i barely slept last night. I am up now for a few moments, but, I will most likely go back to sleep after this again. I am glad this happened on a weekend, because I don't have time to be sick during the week.

Kurt was sweet and went to Kroger's to buy me diet Vernors and saltine crackers, so that has been all that was in my diet today. Have been eating a couple crackers here and there, and no more getting sick, so I think that part of my sickness is cured. Although, all day long, I have been really warm and I think I have a fever. Ugh.

Here is some more proof I was sick. I had a massage appointment today and I cancelled! I never cancel spa appointments, ha. And Rebecca, I did it as far ahead in advance as I could (I think two hours).

Because I have been sick and busy, I never posted about my conference on Thursday, which was great. I took a class for beginner board members, and learned a lot. Got to spend the day with another board member who is new as well (he started in May of this year), and learned a lot from him about our board as well. Had dinner after the conference at Seldom Blues with 4 other board members, and my food was yet again, awesome. I love that place.


  1. Well thanks for canceling, I'm sure they appreciated it rather then you not just showing up because that is the worst!

    Hope you continue to feel better :)

  2. Anonymous12:15 AM

    I'm so sorry you were so sick! That bites the big one--the last time I was attacked by a sickness like that was in May. Same kind of thing, up all night puking my brains out, whole next day laid up on the couch. Ugh ugh ugh. Sending hugs!

  3. Thanks guys! Today I just feel really weak, but I think thats becausse the last real meal I ate was an early lunch on Friday. I am going to take a shower and then try and eat something....

  4. Oh no, I hope that your feeling better Lori. You think it was the stomach flu ?
