Friday, January 19, 2007


So......after so many weeks of *saying* in my sidebar that I need to clean and have no motivation, we finally did clean tonight. We are not totally done, but got mostly everything taken care of. Even did some things we rarely do. Yay. I hate cleaning, but always like when we are done.

I finished putting all the photos in my new album and I love it. It is so nice. And it's kewl to look at my pics in an album and not only online. They make me want to go back to Costa Rica though.....

Work was annoying. I felt like I worked so hard, but did not get much done. We were working on Chapter 13 stuff for Confirmation Hearings next week. So time consuming. I hate all the rules with the 13s. Ugh.

Anyway, gotta get back to my laundry......


  1. Did you find the shower curtain? hehe

  2. cleaning sucks, i've done some of my share tonight. How do I add you as a friend, this is so weird to me lol

  3. Can I ask a totally random question? What's with the "kewl" spelling? Just curious. :)
