Monday, April 02, 2007


Ugh. My stomach is killing me and it cut my workout in half. Oh well, I can only do what I can do with the workouts. I really should take a day off once in a while anyway and I never do, so one half a night off is OK. :).

I have so many things I need to do, and so little time. Ugh. Here are some things I would love to get done in the near future.

1. Pedicure. it's coming upon summer, and I get them done on a regular basis once I am in flip flops full time. Need to go. And would love to get a mani while I am there.

2. Massage. My neck is killing me--again. I have no idea what I do to it. Either get one at the spa or have Rebecca assist me when I see her this weekend.

4. Roof. Call someone on the couple shingles that all falling on the roof. They are driving me nuts.

5. Laundry. We are so behind on this. Enough said with that.

6. Shopping. I really need to get a couple cute skirts or something like that for my San Fran trip. I have no idea what people wear to these conferences. Maybe find that out as well. I know we have some ritzy dinners to attend, so I need to pull out something for that as well.

7. David's Bridal. Need to stop there and look at dresses. My sister has finally settled on a color, so I want to ask some questions, look around, etc. I kinda want to wait until I absolutely have to order to do so, because with all the working out I have been doing, I don't want to get something now and be wearing a totally different size then, it would be a slight issue.

So many other things, but that's a start.

Oh, found out something fun today! As a board member, I get to go to the high school graduation and hand out diplomas, sit on stage. They get us a robe that is associated with our college and it's colors, and you get something else that represents the degrees you have! How kewl! I can't wait. It's at the end of May.

1 comment:

  1. Of course I'll fix your neck :) And if we go climbing you're really going to need it!
