Thursday, May 03, 2007

A Photo Journey on Thursday

Rebecca and I took a class tonight in Dearborn that was geared totally towards my camera (and the one Rebecca is going to get soon). I really liked it. Some parts I could have done without, but I learned some kewl things about my camera and about digital photography in general, and I can't wait to put them into effect on my camera.

Since I bought my camera, I have not had a lot of time to really learn about it. Thus, I mostly use the basic features, point and shoot, etc., and have not ventured into the more custom areas of the camera. Anyway, tonight I quickly learned (without a ton of research), how to use the manual modes of the camera to my advantage. I also learned what "RAW" photos are, and why I totally need to be shooting that way. In order to do that though, I need to buy some more memory for my camera, as shooting in RAW requires about twice as much memory as JPEG. Anyway. This is totally boring for those of you who don't care about digital photography, so I will stop. LOL.

Billy Joel concert tomorrow night. I am psyched, but not about being at the Palace, I hate driving that far. ONLY for Billy. I normally would never attend a concert there. Cant wait to hear Piano Man and sing along...........


  1. NOooo don't stop!! I'm the same way, I never had time to learn about my camera, and now I can't find the darn manual!! It's a SHAME that I'm using my expensive camera just for point and shoot! I should really look for that manual this weekend. You should totally write more about what you learned! I wish there were classes like that around here!

  2. OK, I wont! :). There normally are not classes around here like that, it was like a fluke thing. I bought my new camera in Oct, and the place that sold it to me sent me this flyer in the mail with info on an expo they are having and the related classes. So, Rebecca and I took it and are taking another on Sunday.
