Friday, May 18, 2007

Turning 30

So, turning 30? I thought I would be totally fine with it, and I was totally fine with it. No drama, no tears, no "I am not where I thought I would be in life." So many people have major issues with this major age change, and I am totally OK. Odd, but I am happy I did not have any kind of breakdowns. Not that I normally do, but you never know.

We ended up going to dinner with me, Kurt and Kory. I was just going to stay in, but thought, even though I am going on vacay to celebrate next weekend, I should at least go to dinner! So, I found this place online on the water in Erie, MI, and was like "Let's try here!" We had never been there before. So, we went, and the place was gorgeous. Right on Lake Erie, almost all seafood menu. I took my camera and got to go outside and take some sunset shots, there were little bunnies jumping around on the outdoor patio--it was perfect. Click here to see the place. I had stuffed broiled shrimp (with crab) and wild rice, and creme brulee for dessert. Since it was my bday too, we got $8 off our meal! Yay! I will post pics from the dinner later, did not have time to work on them last night. So, it was a nice night. But, I can't wait for my real bday present, going to Belize next week.

Stopped at the school yesterday to sign my acceptance of office thing (for the second time) with the school board. Seems kinda lame since I am already on the board, but it's a formality you have to do. Had a quick meeting with Tim to get updated on some stuff the board is doing, which is always nice. Then once I got to work, Rick, another board member, stopped by to see the office and say hi. Caught up with him. It was a board day, I guess! :).

Other than that, nothing too exciting. Am going tonight to get my hair done and may try something crazy and new, who knows! Am seeing Roman again, who I have not seen in forever, then having dinner with Rebecca assuming she does not have a headache still. Crossing fingers!


  1. Uncross those fingers, I'm having a snack in lieu of lunch so I can enjoy a nice dinner with you! And I can't wait to give you your presents! Shouldn't I be taking you out to dinner instead of it being the other way around? See, if I had gotten the right gift certificate, I'd be using mine tonight :-P

    Ya know... I actually am welcoming my years to 30. I think 30 is a beautiful age. I dont know why... bu there is something so alluring to me. Maybe its that you are out of the awkward 20s when most people are still trying to "find" themselves... I dunno... but you know they say 30s the new 20... 40s the new 30 and 50s the new 40... so I wonder what that makes being in my 20s?
