Saturday, June 16, 2007

Wedding Showers and a Cold

Went to my sister's wedding shower today. We got pretty much everything on her registry and more. The one thing she did not get on ger registry, I might get her for her wedding present. I got her pots and pans from Target she wanted. My Mom did an awesome job on her shower. The food was awesome, the games were not tacky or long, and everyone seemed to have a great time. I took pics, which I will post later. I gave my Mom her Mother's Day gift as well, which was the total perfect gift for her, and she loved it. She loves roosters and gardening, and this gift combined the two. Click here to see it. I can't wait to see what she does with it in her yard.

I can't believe how sick I am either. It seems to be getting slightly better, but ugh. Last night, I fell asleep at 830, which is so insanely early for me. Slept until 1030 a.m. So like 14 hours. And I was STILL tired. It's crazy. I guess I need the sleep, but UGH. I don't have time to be sick.

I got annoyed with someone today. I get so sick of mothers who think they are better than other people, know more than others, whatever. The comment "You will understand when you have kids" has got to be one of the most annoying statements, and one of the few things people can say that get under my skin. Not only is it rude, but it's condescending and offbase. I witnessed someone today being rude to a child. Said child was just telling a story, and mother did not like the story. Fine. If you don't want your kid to tell the story, tell them to stop telling said story. You don't have to belittle the kid, be overly stern, and be rude. No, I am not a parent, but if I was, I would not embarass my kids in front of others and reprimand them for tiny little things that are not necessary. I simply rolled my eyes at said person (she is family, so I can do this, LOL), and that is the comment I got. well, NO, I won't understand when I have kids, because I don't think it's OK to act that way EVER. My Mom never did that to us. If we ever got in trouble (which was rare), she would take us aside or do so at home, not in front of others, and not in a bossy, annoying way. I think it makes your kids respect you less when you treat them in a totally crappy way like that. It's common sense and decency, not knowing how to be a parent or some kind of learned parental behavior. This person will also constantly make comments when the kid is around like "she never listens" or "she misbehaves all the time" in ear range of the kid. I can't stand this either, but HEY, she is a mother, so she must understand more than me, right? Anyway, end of vent. Also, please understand that this is just me going off on a tangent....I don't think said person is a bad person or bad mother or whatever. I just think that just because you are a mother does not make you smarter or better than the next person....


  1. I can't believe you bought something Rachel Ray...

  2. That whole "you'll understand when you're a parent" thing really pisses me off too. I hope those parents that act that way are some day reliant on their children for their care. That way, they can reap what they have sown.

  3. wow, I hope the next bridal/baby shower I go to is like that! Im to the point where I dont want to go anymore!
    hope you feel better soon!
