Sunday, July 08, 2007

We were supposed to go into the office today to try and catch up on some paperwork, but did not because Kurt was not feeling well. :(. Felt bad for Kurt, but psyched I got to spend the day NOT at the office! Woo hoo!

So, I slept in. Went outside to feed the birds and water my flowers and that was about all my outside time today (besides walking the dogs). OMG. It was so freaking hot in Michigan today. Hottest day of the year (literally). I think they said it was supposed to hit 98 and it's way too humid on top of that. Aargh. I hate weather like this. So, I decided to do some stuff around the house (i.e. laundry, dishes, vacuuming, etc.), and head into Monroe to run some errands. Got an oil change in the Saturn and am glad I did! They pulled the oil stick out and it was totally dry! I went over slightly on my mileage (which is normal for me), but I guess since the car has high mileage, I need to be more careful about that and check it more often. I had them put in high mileage oil. The place was having a deal (buy one get one free oil change), so I will be getting a coupon in the mail soon for a free one! Yippee!

After that, headed to the mall. You know the quest for the silver shoes? How I have looked freaking everywhere? Well, apparently, I should have started with the mall where I live. Elder Beerman had like 6 pairs I liked! I got the pair that was the most comfy and has the most possibility of being reworn. I would have loved to have gotten flip flops, but this dress needs a little bit of a heel. Anyway, click here to see the shoe. And they were on sale, which is totally a bonus. Then, walked into the jewelry department and TADA! Really cute pearl earrings for freaking $6.00. Plus, found another pair of adorable earrings for $3.00. I swear, it is all about the deals this weekend for me. Walked around the mall after that, just browsing, and stopped at a place for a mani/pedi. Got this hilarious color on my toes called "I'm Not Really a Waitress". And had them use my own Mac nail polish on my fingers (I am really picky about using only the lightest colors on my finger nails).
Oh, and this morning? Used my new Lush shampoo and conditioner (I talked about this in yesterday's blog). The shampoo is incredible. It is this scrub, almost, that turns into a lather and makes your head kinda tingle. It smells great. I liked the smell of the conditioner, but it is not the best detangler. I am going to ask next time I go in there if there is specific stuff for tangly hair. Love the products and how they are natural. And I read online today that part of the proceeds from their products go to PETA, so that makes me love them even more (if that is true).

Well, should get back to my laundry and such. Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!


  1. I didn't read the whole blog yet, just saw "we didn't go in to the office today" and I thought "on a Monday?!?" but then realized that you posted this yesterday, stupid blogger, just now updating!

  2. Yay for deals! A girl I used to work with swore by all of Lush's products. I still have yet to try any of them...but I really should I think!

  3. The weather here is the same - super hot and humid. UGH! I hate it as well. Stay cool! :-)

  4. I LOVE "Not Really A Waitress" - it has to be the best red EVER in my opinion. But like you - I only wear it on my toes! :)
