Monday, July 30, 2007

Where to Start

It seems all my posts start out this way lately..............I seriously don't have enough hours in the day with working, working around the house, working out, having a social life....AHHH. And people think I should add a KID into this mix? Are you freaking nutty? LOL.

So, the past week has been busy. This weekend was fun and eventful. Saturday, Kurt and I worked on the house all day and got a LOT done. I actually feel like our house is kinda starting to come together. We have a wetbar in our living room that the previous owner never finished all the way. Kory built and hung shelves last week, and I moved all my glasses and such to the shelves. After doing so, I got this idea that we should tile in between the shelves and the sink/counter of the wetbar. So, Kurt and I went and I picked out this really kewl Venetian textured marble tile and we put all that up first thing Saturday. It looks awesome. Beyond gorgeous. It totally makes the entire area of the living room. Rebecca's sister bought me flowers (so freaking nice of her and unnecessary) and I pulled a vase out of my china cabinet and set it on the wetbar with the flowers and it looks amazing. I need to buy fresh flowers more often. Then we went back to Lowe's and bought a bunch more odds and ends. We are slowly changing all the light switches and plugs in the house over to chrome, so I did a bunch more of those this weekend in various rooms. I love the difference making those chrome makes in a room. Kurt also started tiling the laundry room floor, which is the last room in our house to get flooring. I picked out this really kewl terra like color for in there, and it is coming along nicely. He has to do that project in sessions, as he has to move the washer and dryer and can't do so until another part of the floor dries. We also bought new glass light covers for the two downstairs guest bathrooms. The guy before us who owned the place had these really ugly floral looking things up there, and those had to go. Yay. I can't even remember what else we did that day. Went to dinner at Pete's and then I headed to Sterling State Park up the road because some friends of mine were camping and they wanted me to come hang out, which I did. We sat around the fire gossiping (only girls there, yay) and made Smores which were super yummy.

Sunday, another day of Lowe's and working around the house. We bought spindles and posts for the upstairs staircase. Bought a door for Kurt's bathroom closet. Bought more tile for the laundry room baseboard area. Bought more switch covers. We pretty much bought Lowe's out, LOL. Kurt sent me to another Lowe's afterwards to see if we could get the rest of the stuff that we bought the first Lowe's out of. Bought a new light/fan for the guest bath. Kory put that up today and it looks AMAZING and the fan is much quieter than the old one. Also bought a new toilet paper holder and towel holder for both guest baths. Kory put those up today as well in the one bath. Bought new shower rings for Kurt's bathroom, and washed his shower curtain, put up a new liner. Kory built shelves for Kurt's bathroom closet as well as the hall closet upstairs. I keep buying really kewl hardware for all the closet doors as well, so it is all unique. I hate anything common. :).

The rest of last week was basically filled with work and a board meeting on Tuesday. I was so annoyed getting to that meeting. It was at 530, and I left the office with plenty of time. Until I hit an accident. And sat. And sat. Ugh. Finally got there, WAY late, which I felt awful about, but, what can you do.....

Anyway, off to bed, I will post more later. Too tired to think about any more details.......Took some pics this weekend that I post later as well.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for renos! Can't wait to see pics!
