Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Before and After--Little Bit Late

I never posted pics of the before and after of the wetbar in the living room, and since nothing else is going on exciting in the household, I will do that right now! :).

Before Pic: Kory built the shelves which are in the before picture. Before that, I had noplace to put all my glassware and such and some was sitting on the wetbar and some stored in a china cabinet. You can also see the start of Kurt tearing out the linoleum border that the guy had in there. Linoleum=bad. We hate linoleum.

After Picture. Added venetian marble behind the sink and under the shelving, adding shelving, and moved all my glassware to the shelves. It made a world of a difference. Also, added vase and flowers that Sarah sent me. note to self. Buy more fresh flowers, as the ones Sarah bought me are about dead. :). Thanks again Sarah!

So, work was pretty uneventful today. Got some paperwork done, got hired on a couple new divorces and such. Made an appointment to get my hair done next week. It really needs to be trimmed, but for some reason, my highlights are actually still looking OK. I think because my hair naturally lightens up in the summer from the sun. Found out Kendra is coming to visit tomorrow night until Saturday night, so will be pretty busy doing stuff with her the remainder of my nights this week. May schedule a spa night with her, I desperately need a pedicure and a massage sounds nice about now as well. :).


  1. Oooh, looks awesome!!!

    Grape is my favorite flavor of Propel as well, followed by black cherry. :-)

    Can I link to your blog? I always lose your address!

  2. I LOVE it! And I'm with Justine - I always lose your address! ACK!

    If you and Kurt haven't tried Nora's Italian Cuisine in Las Vegas, you really need to. Another great restaurant is all the rage right now, Agave, up in Summerlin. And down in Green Valley - my favorite - Ventano's. Home of the risotta rice balls, a great wine selection, and a great view!

  3. Seriously. I cant believe you just said that because black cherry is my second fav too!

    Of course you can link to my blog!

    And Mindy, thanks for the recs. We are always looking to try new places while out there. We like to go off strip to eat as much as possible. We ate at a really good Mexican place last time and another place I liked that was like Vietnamese/French fusion or something.
