Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Move

Of the furniture, that is. Our furniture I discussed previously on here was delivered yesterday, late morning. Came home last night and it was in the living room--along with our other stuff, since Kurt and KOry never moved the old stuff. But, it is being moved, as we speak! Whoot. I can't wait to position the new stuff properly. Anyway, the new stuff is so comfy. I love it! I need to take pics and post on here.

Val (my stepsister who I call my sister) came over last night to hang out, which was fun. The 4 of us went to Pete's Garage for dinner, then hung around watching TV--America's Next Top Model (second half), Private Practice, The Simpsons, That 70s Show, etc. I think it was the most "live" TV I have watched in forever since I am addicted to Netflix. Caught up with her, and she got to meet Whiskey for the first time. It's truly amazing how down to earth and intelligent that girl is with the environment and issues she had to deal with growing up, and the horrendous role models she had. I am so proud of her so doing so well in school and being such an amazing person. Her and her boyfriend are going on a cruise to the Bahamas in December, and she is super excited. I can't wait to see pics! :).

The rest of this week has been insanity. Kurt has been in court at least half the week, if not more. And we had a trial this week, which is always crazy, so it's good that trials are very rare in our area of much preparation and time put into those. So, things get backed up at the office because I have to, in essence, do everything. Ugh. We are not actually too backed up, just have some phone calls to return. We are working Saturday morning to try and catch up, which sucks, but whatever. Hopefully, the weather is nice and I can get out to take some pics that afternoon someplace. Fall colors have started to surface around here and I love that.

I am also having dinner tomorrow night with Deanna, whom I have not seen in forever, so that will be fun! We are going to this place in Royal Oak and I am sure will be there forever catching up since neither one of us ever shuts up.....

Gotta run, need to work out, make dinner, etc.
Oh, bought two games for Kory's Xbox. I was given a Sharper Image gift card, and wanted to buy these games to play. One is a game called Forza, which is a car racing game. The other is called Dance Dance Revolution, and I am truly going to kick everyone's ass at this game. I can't wait. It's fun AND a workout. Whoot! Can I quit the treadmill now? Please? Nancy, what do you think? Anyway, the games are not here yet, but will be soon. They accidentally shipped them to my old house from 5 years ago. Whoops on them.

Then, I finally ordered this kickboxing video set I have been wanting. I wanted to wait until Netflix had it (I requested that they get it in their collection a while back), but they have not still, and I have been watching eBay, but no luck. One person had it listed with $19 shipping, which is way excessive. So, I bought it. If anyone happens to know where my jumprope is, please tell me because I need it for these videos.......I have heard nothing but great reviews, and I would love to mix up my kickboxing stuff. Also ordered a new alarm clock since mine no longer works properly. And, bought a book that just came out in paperback that I want for my noneducational reading needs, hehe.

1 comment:

  1. Oct. 20...DDR competition night in addition to everything else we have going on that day :)
