Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday After a Holiday

I was not wanting to go into work today. Ugh. I hate going back after a holiday weekend. But, it was OK. Not as crazy as I thought it would be. It was nice because Misty was in, so I did not have to answer every call that came in. Got a lot of paperwork done, and returned a lot of phone calls. Yay. Got hired on several new cases too, and did most of the work on those. Whoot.

Had an eye doctor appointment after work. It drives me bonkers that I *have* to get an eye appointment every year just to be able to order contacts. They don't do that for people who wear glasses (I don't think). It should be either required for everyone or nobody. I understand the concept, your eyes should be checked......but everyone's, not just contact wearers. Anyway. Had my first appointment at the Sears Optical in Monroe. I used to go in Southgate, but their office closed, and went once to the one in Lincoln Park and it was more of a drive than I wanted. They did this thing to my eyes that the other offices did not do with dialating your eyes, which I freaking HATE. I like the puffs of air more, and sadly, I hate that too, LOL, but at least it's only uncomfortable for a second with that. My eyes were screwed for prob 2 hours after that. Thru driving home, making dinner, watching TV and working out and then finally, I could use the net again and *see* the computer. Ugh. I finished all my Netflix videos, so I can't wait to get new ones tomorrow! I started watching Queer as Folk again until I get new Sopranos and The L Word tomorrow. What will I do when I ger thru all these series? It will be traumatic, seriously.

I posted a long time ago about my friend from high school who was running from the law, and found.....Anyway, she is currently in jail in Michigan and then will be sent to California to federal prison. Where she will be for a few years. Anyway, I emailed her stepMom (who is one of my Mom's best friends) and asked that they give me her address once she is to her final destination. I have not talked to her or seen her in SOOOO long, and she and I were close in high school. I really want to write and talk to her. We will see how it goes. Her stepMom says she would love to hear from me, and I hope so. So much changes with people after so many years, but with most of my high school friends, we immediately revert back to our friendship as it was before, but she has been thru a LOT more than most of my friends, for sure.

My new bed gets delivered tomorrow! Wheeee! Cant wait to move my current bed upstairs and put the other one together. It will finish another portion of the house. Once I see the other bed upstairs with the other stuff up there, I will prob buy some new bedding and a few small decorations to finish up the room.


  1. Sweet, does that mean if I ever stay the night again I'll have a nice big cozy bed to sleep in??? :)

  2. hey, let me know if you get that address, I would like to write them as well...
