Saturday, November 17, 2007

Work, Work, Go Away.......

I have been working entirely too much lately. I don't feel like working out at night because I am literally exhausted. It sucks. I try not to bitch about it because I know I should be happy that I have a successful business while so many others in Michigan are struggling with the economy, but it still is tiring. It annoys me when I get home and just don't have the energy to head downstairs. I do it anyway, but I just don't have my heart in it like usual. Aargh. Like today. It's Saturday. We went in at like 10 a.m. and worked until around 5. On a Saturday. This is not the normal life of a self employed atty. Aargh times two. Whatever. I got a lot done, came home, ate dinner and still got a workout in.

Before coming home though, we stopped at Art Van. We have two clients who work at Art Van, and one of them told us that we should stop in because it was friends and family night. We really have been wanting to buy a new mattress. We want to move our current master bedroom bed and mattress upstairs to the third guest bedroom (which has nothing in it right now but a desk). Plus, when we bought our mattress, we bought the cheapest thing in the store and I have been wanting something more decent ever since. Anyway, long story short, our client got us a mattress that was regular price at Art Van for $2799 for only $939! And no sales tax, and no charge or delivery. Major score on that deal. I was so psyched. The brand we got is called Kingsdown and the line is called Body System. We got it for less than cost. Yay, yay, yay. I wanted something nice, but really had issues with how expensive mattresses are, which is why I have been putting it off. Props to my awesome clients for hooking us up! :).

Kurt and I watched an awesome Netflix video last night starring Jeff Corwin. Click here to see it. It really solidified my desire to go to both Borneo and Africa. Such an awesome movie. It was divided into three parts--Borneo, Zanzibar and Indonesia. The animals were adorable in the movie.

Sad that I have not posted all week and I don't have anything more to report.........:).


  1. Awesome! I need to talk to those people when I need to buy furniture ;) My queen size mattress cost me $1500 and that was like 7 years ago!

  2. I can't even explain my excitement (you know how I love deals). Our King size (which was bought almost 5 years ago and was bottom of the line) was like $600. For the worst one in the store. So to get a top of the line mattress, for only $939, I was sooo psyched.

  3. It is good that you guys are going on vacation soon. Working that much is so hard! I have been putting in more hours at my job but nothing like you...I hope that things slow down for you soon.

  4. Quit working so hard, lady!
