Saturday, December 01, 2007

Perfect Mac and Cheese

OMG, I must need rest. Fell asleep on the couch after dinner and did not wake up until 10 PM. Guess I missed working out. Whoopsie.

Went into work this morning and got home around 315 PM or so. Kurt and Kory finally figured out the Porsche issues. The battery died while it was in the driveway, and when the battery is dead on the car, the trunk won't open. Which is where the battery is. Which meant we had a dead car in our driveway and could not move the car. Which is an issue, because we park the car all winter, and could not move it to do so, meaning I could not turn the insurance off. Aargh. Anyway, somehow they figured it out by using some online forum, and took the battery back (which was under warranty, yay). Got the new one for free, pulled it in the garage and plugged it into it's winter charger. Now I just need to put it's cover on tomorrow and call on Monday to turn the insurance off. Which I will be thrilled not to pay until April or so. Whoot. What's awesome too is they figured it out RIGHT in time for the snow storm we are having right now. I would have hated getting snow on the car at all.

I made an awesome dinner tonight, if I do say so myself. At Thanksgiving, my Aunt showed me this recipe she had printed out from Martha Stewart for mac and cheese. I thought it looked time consuming, but yummy, so I looked it up today and went to Kroger's to buy stuff I did not already have. So, I now have Kosher salt and cayenne pepper. Oh, and I had to buy sharp white cheddar cheese (which OMG is incredible tasting and now my new fav cheese), and Romano cheese. Came home and made the recipe and truly, it is to DIE for. It may be the best mac and cheese I have ever had, and I have always sworn my Mom's is the best. I think the secret to this recipe really is that sharp white cheddar cheese. Super duper awesome. I may start buying it on a regular basis for Kurt. He loves block cheese. So, the recipe took some time to make, but I loved it and will make it again in the future. I love how with all these recipes I make, I end up buying new spices and stuff, and it means less to buy for future recipes. Kory helped too by shredding the cheese. Thanks, Kory! :). I hate shredding cheese.

Researched and finally bought and picked out insect repellent for our trip. I have decided there will be NO MORE botfly incidents. Or, at least I will try harder. We always try to wear the repellent, but prob were not as diligent at reapplying and such as we should have been, and may have not bought as high percentage of DEET as we should have been. I really learned a lot at our travel appointment about all of that. So, I ended up buying Repel 40% Deet, as well as this stuff that goes on clothing and not on skin so we can try and repel them before they even get to us. Got it all on eBay from some place in Cali, so fingers crossed they ship quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I need to buy insect repellant...I don't want a botfly incident like you!
