Monday, January 07, 2008

Finally--The Decision

OK, nothing dramatic, LOL. Finally bought a new phone this morning, should be delivered very shortly. It's so complex with the no camera option I need. AT&T's website is very lacking in telling you if a phone can be special ordered without a camera. So, I ended up calling AT&T last night and asking which phones were options for me. They gave me a list of 7, two of which were older versions of the Treo and Blackberry that I don't want. I want the most up to date technology if I am buying something new. Three of them were ugly phones, and the other two were the Treo (which Kurt has already and loves) and the Blackberry 8820. I was not eligible for an upgrade, but the lady on the phone waived that for me and then gave me the price of the phone--$199. Wait, the website and store says $299 and that is after a mail in rebate and having to sign up for internet on the phone.......I did not have to do any of that. Got the phone for $100 off, do not have to sign up for anything, and got free overnight shipping. It so pays to be nice, I swear. The lady on the phone was super helpful, and every time I call in there they are that way. I must get lucky though because Rebecca called in and tried to do the same thing and could not get anywhere with them. Lame. So, I am actually going to try and learn some features of this phone besides texting and calls....The Blackberrys do so much, and those I know who have them are addicted, so hopefully, I can figure everything out. I have not really figured much out or tried with my current phone, and it does a lot too. Just need to find everything for this phone and sell it on eBay......I think the box is at the office, maybe.

Fell asleep on the couch after work for like 3 hours or so. I guess I was tired. Watching the end of the last bowl game with Kurt, and watching the weather. There are weather alerts everywhere around here for tornados, thunderstorms, etc. It was crazy out today. January 7 in Michigan and 65 degrees. I did not wear a coat to work. So odd.


  1. Welcome to the world of the Crackberry. :P I had the Pearl for quite awhile and loved it, but when I got my iPod Touch I decided I didn't need 2 devices with internet access with me all the time. So, I actually got a "dumber" phone and gave J my Pearl.

    I don't think he's put it down since. :P

    Have fun!

  2. Good job on the phone!
    I'm hesitant on moving into the blackberry realm... and also desperately waiting for the iPhone to be released in Canada.

    When do you get it?
