Wednesday, January 23, 2008


OK, everyone who knows these folks can be super jealous of me right now....hehe.

I have coordinated schedules and set up times to have dinner with two of my friends in the D.C. area while we are out there!

Friday night, we are meeting Angel and Ryan. Don't know the details on dinner yet, but we are going someplace non-snobby (ha, a requirement of both Kurt and Ryan). I can't wait! Angel says that Char and her hubby may try and make the trip from PA to have dinner with us, so that would be super kewl as well.

Saturday, we are meeting up with Amanda and Jason for dinner at a place Amanda picked out called Nage Restaurant. Can't wait for that too, and am psyched that she conned Jason into socially interacting with others. I think he was convinced since generally kurt is not into social interacting either, hehe.

This trip is going to rock! :).


  1. Take LOTS of pictures!!!

  2. Of course, Nancy, what would it be without Lori having her camera, hehe!
