Friday, February 29, 2008

Welcome Baby Nicholas James!

I want to welcome baby Nicholas James to the world! My sister had her first baby today. A Leap Baby! So kewl. She went into labor at 330 AM on Feb 27. They sent her home because things were progressing slowly, and she went back in again at 715 PM. Was there all night long. Finally had the baby aroond 100 PM. I don't have all the details yet, but Mom and baby are doing well. Nick was 7 pounds 4 oz, and 21 inches. And even though I don't have pics yet, I already know is the cutest baby ever (excluding my future child(ren)), LOL. I guess he has a lot of dark hair and sleeps a lot! :). I can't wait to see pics. I also can't wait for the weather to clear up so I can get up there to visit! The weather is HORRENDOUS here, but appears to be clearing up, or at least was better on my way home from work. I promise to post a pic of Nick as soon as I get some sent to me. My family is not as OCD as I am with pics, so it may be a while, ha.

So, poor Kurt. He was given an anti-inflammatory drug and told that in some people, it will cause stomach pains. Of course, it caused this for Kurt. He was up half the night, in pain. So, I called the dr this morning and asked for an alternate med to be called in. Nothing called in yet. AARGH.

Work was really tiring today, and I have no idea why. I think the week is finally catching up to me. We are overwhelmingly busy, I had to go to court twice this week, and when I am not in the office to do all paperwork, it starts to get backed up. Which is why we have to work tomorrow. Ugh. So, I took the night off of working out since i am beyond exhausted and don't want to make myself sick. I have been doing some laundry and dishes, relaxing....made us pasta marinara for dinner and have just been hanging out with Kurt. Will prob go to bed early too. We are so exciting on a Friday night, WOO HOO. Sadly, this is my fav kind of night. You really start to cherish your free time when you have so little.


  1. Welcome, Nicholas!! Congrats, Aunt Lori!

  2. Oh, whoops - accidentally hit "post" before I was done....

    I hope Kurt feels better and you've got his new meds now.... :(

  3. It must be crazy lawyer season, I've been insanely busy too (hence my lack of blogs)....welcome to Nicholas!!! I love babies (especially baby kitties, I'm so not ready for a child!)

  4. Happy Birthday Nicholas!!
