Thursday, April 17, 2008

Best Italian Food Ever

Had a really nice night last night. Met up with my friend, Nancy, at a spa I randomly chose in Dearborn called Body Language Spa. Place was nice, they told me on the phone that their pedis were "different" and that we would not be sitting in chairs with our feet in water, but instead lying on a table. I am always up for anything, so I made the reservation and met Nancy there. It was SOOO nice. If Nancy had not been there, I would have been asleep. So freaking relaxing, with a paraffin wrap, hot towel wraps, etc. And my toes looks super cute. Nancy and I had not seen each other in a while, so we had a ton to catch up on......Went to dinner after that at a place Nancy loves called Roman Village. Yea, I know love it too, as it was some of the best Italian food I have ever had, and THE best homemade pasta noodles I have ever had. I about died. And cheap! I had angel hair with marinara. This place was so in the middle of nowhere, I never would have found it without Nancy's assistance! Thanks again for an awesome night catching up, Nancy (if you are reading this).

Every night this week, with the exception of last night, we have worked late. Ugh. I am so tired of working. I got home early enough tonight to work out, so that was nice.

Found out my Def Leppard concert is postponed. :(. Until August. So, my friend may be able to go after all, unless she has plans that night too, don't know yet. I guess one of their singers has an infection he can't get rid of. I am glad Kory heard about it on the radio because I never would have known it was moved....I rarely listen to the radio.

Anyway, too tired to write much more......The bird pic above is a downey woodpecker, which is one of my and Kurt's fav birds that visit our feeders in the yard. I saw this cutie at Sterling State Park while walking a few weekends ago...


  1. Wow, at least it's nice that the concert was postponed and not just cancelled! Have a great weekend!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
