Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Teenagers Have Sex (but I don't condone it)

I had to go to court again, because of a crazy schedule this morning. We had 7 hearings in two different buildings, all to happen at 830 and 900. Ha. I did one that was a change in custody Motion. It was filed by the father of the children, basically because he does not want to pay child support (a normal reason in these cases, although never an admitted reason). Anyway, they brought up all these false allegations. One of the non-false allegations was that the parties' 15 year old daughter recently had sex, in my client's home. Long story, but my client has a 17 year old son, who has friends stay over, and after everyone went to bed one night, her daughter and one of her son's friends had intercourse. She told her Mom, and her Mom has now stopped all sleepovers for her sons, and is taking all measures to stop this from happening in the future. So, on the record today, I got to say "Teenagers have SEX. While I obviously don't condone this, it is not a reason to change custody and certainly does not meet the threshold to do so..." I liked how I said teenagers have sex on the record. It amused me. LOL. Thankfully, tomorrow, I get a full day at the office and I need it....paperwork galore to do.

Go Tigers! The game tonight rocks. Right now, it's 19-6! Whoot!

Took a walk in the yard tonight with Kurt and the pugs, for the first time this Spring. It has been muddy and I hate mud. Less muddy now, so I walked out to the pond for the first time. We saw some of the turtles swimming and it's really nice and relaxing out there. We may build a gazebo so I can sit out there in a nice rocking chair.......I love all the birds, and how quiet and relaxing my yard is.

(Please don't wonder if I have lost my mind as I post this, there is a reason behind this last part of the post here, that I am not going into right now)... And you know what? I love the little things in life. I admit, some might find my life boring. I love dinners out with my husband, sitting and watching a baseball game, walks in my backyard, hiking, photography, non-luxury travel. I just had a friend kinda make me feel, for a moment, (until I realized that was MORONIC of me to feel that way), that I am boring or maybe, less worthy of a friend than her other friends. That because I don't make myself up perfectly all the time, and don't have connections at all the latest clubs, that I am less of a person. That because I would rather have a laid back dinner or go hiking, that I am boring, and that I should be put on the back burner if a great party or whatever comes up. You know what though? I don't care IF someone thinks that. It was really stupid of me to think less of myself, for even a second. I rock. And my friends know that. That's about all I want to say about it right now. Typing this just kinda talked me out of being bummed any longer.


  1. Aww, "Seeing Rebecca's House" on your sidebar :)

    You know what? I would much rather do what I did tonight, eat dinner at Leo's Coney Island with Lauren in a pair of workout shorts and my 2006 Mutt March t-shirt, not a lick of makeup on, hair back in a ponytail, eating fried mushrooms and gyros, then go out to the latest club. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. Doesn't make you boring, and if it does, well, I'm boring right there with you :)

  2. I guess the def of "boring" is in the eye of the beholder, right? :). Thanks, Rebecca, for liking the stuff i like.......

  3. I would get along with you both SO well! I just ranted in Sophie's blog comments about how I've decided to stop trying to conform to society's socialization standards and just do whatever I want to do! I'm tired of paying money to attend stuff I dont even want to!

  4. Well, I do condone it so there! LOL

  5. I've blogged about this. I'm losing a dear friend because my idea of fun (hanging out with my boyfriend, going to my favorite cafe with a girlfriend, going to Barry & Lisa's for dinner and sitting in the jacuzzi, heading up to Red Rock for a hike, maybe going bowling) is not the same as my girlfriend's idea of fun (getting dressed up, made up and hitting the Vegas Club Scene.)

    She said to me the other day "you and Craig sound like an old married couple. Boring."

    And I felt like I had to tell her "but we went to the boxing match! And I went to Bon Jovi! And he went on a pub crawl!" to defend both of us.

    Reality is - I LIKE MY LIFE. DAMN IT. Just because I don't live my life the same way you live yours doesn't mean my life is less than! So NYAH!

  6. Boring is what I'm all about. Seriously, I remember when I was single and I was out all the time, doing more exciting things I guess you could say and all I wanted was boring back. I didn't appreciate boring the first time around and will tell you I WILL NEVER TAKE BORING FOR GRANTED EVER AGAIN!! I'm so glad you appreciate your boring while its still there!!!!!

  7. Thanks everyone! I guess this is why I feel so close to all of you, we are all kindred spirits and love being boring, hehe. Except, I find NONE of you boring! :).
