Thursday, May 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home?

I am home! But, have been slammed since getting here with work and cleaning. I will for sure do a trip report and upload all pics this weekend. But, to keep things short and sweet for now, we had an awesome time. We rank the country last on our list of Central American countries visited by us thus far, but still had an amazing time. The pic above is of me by a HUGE tree in the primary rain forest hike we did the day before we left. That hike was prob the highlight of the trip for me. Beautiful forest. I would to own it, but alas, it's a National Park. Pic below is of a baby spider monkey (actually, more like a toddler). He was so cute, and just playing on the shore in the trees of one of the islands we rode by on one of the boat trips we took.....Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend! I am already missing Central Amerca.....


  1. Welcome back!

    I think you put that monkey picture up to torment me...

  2. Glad you guys had a fun, safe trip! Isn't it just grand how work just waits for you & doesn't go anywhere? ;)

    PS: Cute pic of the spider monkey. I kinda wanna hold him..

  3. Welcome back, Lori! Can't wait to see the rest of your pics :)

  4. Ah, can't wait to see the rest of your pics...and can't wait till Saige comes home on Sunday so I can show her this monkey pic!

  5. Awesome pics!! I can't to see the rest!!
