Friday, June 20, 2008

Hour Early and New Food

We left the office about an hour early, which is unheard of...............It was nice though, as we got home, and took the pugs on a walk, all before 5 p.m. Craziness. Took my camera and took some pics of the pugs (new ones are photo 10 and on) and the yard, which you can see by clicking the links herein. It was nice to be outside with my camera and relax. Came in, worked out, made dinner, did some dishes and just relaxed. Am tired now, but still up because Kurt is watching the Tigers game. Oh, the pic below is a partial pic of the pond in the yard (you can kinda see part of my house too in the background). It is so relaxing to be out there.....

Kroger had this new item by Morningstar, and I love it! I love a lot of their products, and this is another great one to add to my grocery list. I microwave the burgers, throw them on bread with cheese, and in the toaster oven. Super yummy, super easy and good for me too! I am so happy with our Kroger's expansion and addition of organic stuff I like. I just hope they keep it, because our area, being rural and all, is not really an organic kinda environment, LOL. People don't like change here, or pricier food or anything they consider elite or snobby. We will see. Maybe if I keep buying stuff, it will keep it on the shelves??

So, update on Grama. They did a barrage of tests and basically found nothing. She was transferred today to a nursing home in Shelby Township, for rehab. They are going to do rehab for like 6 weeks to see if she can walk again. If so, she can go home. If not, she will most likely stay someplace. I hope the rehab helps. After all that testing, you would think they would find something. No wonder Kurt hates going to the doctor.........Auntie also had a heart test today, and thankfully, they found nothing. I was really worried about that one. My sister is coming down the last weekend in June, so I will most likely be meeting Nick then. I have to look at my calendar, and I know I have rebecca's party on Friday, but I think I am free the rest of the weekend. Hope so anyway.

Pic at the top off this post is of Oscar. I think it looks like he is talking to me, but in essence, he was yawning....hehe. The pugs were such good little models today. They are so used to the camera, seriously, I think they are posing sometimes.............

I am thinking I may start a private blog on top of this one. There are a few things I would love to talk about, but I am unsure of who reads this. If I do, I will post the info here, and if you want the link, you can request the password and I will give it to you. Sometimes, I just need to vent, and it's hard to in public. On the other hand, I think, maybe I should just say what I want and not worry about what others think. Who are we kidding though, we all know I act like I don't care what others think, but I do. :). Some things never change.


  1. Lisa is coming down on Sunday the 29th, hope you can come out with us! Bring your sister!

  2. Such cute puppies :)

    Shelby Township is where Josh's cousin, Erin, one of my best friends, was born & raised ;)

    Oh...and I was at the game last night. Damn, Tigers took a whompin! I took Erin, so I had a good time razzin' her through the entire game and then while we were out...hehe.

  3. You KNOW I read - I'm just more of a reader than a commenter when I'm at work (depending on the day).

    The pugs are SUCH cuties!!

    Fingers and toes crossed that the rehab helps Grama. :( The human body is such a weird thing sometimes...

  4. Hope all goes well with your grandma!
