Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sleep Does a Body Good

Kurt and I have gotten up really early this week, until this morning. I had a solid 10 hours of sleep last night and I could have slept more. I really needed it. And today, I could tell that things at the office were not annoying me as much as normal. And I was more calm. And I think it's the sleep. When I get more sleep, I am simply in a better mood. It's fabulous. Goal: Get more sleep. :).

Kurt had a trial this afternoon and got back to the office around 415. He announced he wanted to leave early, WHOOT. So, we left and stopped at Border's to pick up a book I had on hold, and stopped at Lowe's for a couple things I needed. Got home and I watched some TV, then made Kurt dinner, worked out, yada yada. It was nice just to have that extra hour. Took a walk with the dogs to the pond at dusk. The pond is so pretty at night. All these dragonflies are everywhere, and the birds and flying near the island. I can't wait to have the gazebo and a rocking chair out there so I can sit out there and relax. Sigh.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Boring Me.

I worked on Sunday, but Rebecca saved me by stopping by. We left and went to Heritage Park to walk through the gardens and check out the new conservatory that they are building, and then went to Sonic, to try it. Rebecca has been dying for one of their drinks. Anyway, it was OK. Normal fast food kinda food, and I am not really into fast food. But, it was kewl because you drove up, kinda 50s style diner, and placed your order, and girls on roller skates delivered it. Pretty different. Went to Babies R Us on Sunday too and bought gifts for a baby shower I am going to in August. My Mom, sister and I are going in on gifts together, but I bought them for everyone.

This week at work has been pretty crazy. Kory is out of town, so I am doing the bulk of his duties on top of mine, which is pretty time consuming. Ugh. I hate answering the freaking phone, and will be happy to have Misty there tomorrow to help out.

Seriously, my life is so boring right now, I don't even know why I am posting this, but if I don't post for a while, I totally forget everything I have been doing..... I guess the post is worth it for the picture I posted, LOL.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Todd Jones Sucks and other various weekend Fun

**Kurt and I, watching the White Sox take batting practice, pre-game (near our seats as well)

OK, I guess that may be harsh, but I was not very happy with the way he lost the Tigers game in the 9th for the Tigs on Friday night. Kurt and I went to the game, and it was my first game in a LONG time. First game this year, and I never went to a game last year. I love going to games, but like my weekends too, and don't like driving to Detroit and spending a lot of time there on the weekends, since I am there a lot of the week with work and court. Anyway. Bought seats on eBay right behind home plate, row 10. Awesome seats. We got there early because i wanted to watch batting practice, purchased our nachos, and just kinda sat and chilled. SOOO nice. Our section had iot's own waiters, so I ended up ordering a drink, just because it was convenient. Got buzzed on my one Mike's Hard Lemonate. Gotta love being a light weight! ;). Click here to see the rest of the Tigers pics.

**Leyland, pre-game (before he made the stupid decision to bring Jones in for the 9th and lose the game). Happier times.....Heh.

Had a fabulous time at the game, then headed home and to bed.

Today, got up and headed to breakfast with Rebecca. Newport Cafe is serving their famous blueberry pancakes, so I got those. To DIE for. Headed to Canton after that to go to the Ann Arbor Botanical Gardens with Auntie, then to Sams Club and Joe's for some groceries and such that we both needed. Also had lunch at Papa Vino's, which I have never been to before. Nice afternoon. Loved being outside, but it was HOT. I could not have taken being out much longer than we were. Wow. Muggy in MI right now. We had 14 huge trees delivered to the house today, which Kurt and Kory planted, and later, Britton helped plant as well. We put in three corkscrew willow near the pond, two sweet gum in the yard (which supposedly attract squirrels, so hopefully that works), and various others further back in the yard. I will have to take a walk in the morning to check everything out. Click here to see the rest of the garden pics.

Trip in the Car for the Cat

Bugsy had an appointment after work to get his vaccines.....Took him in the car and he did not like that. He has not been in a car for like a year, and I don't think he remembered. He meowed quite a bit the entire way, in his cute little carrier. When we got there, we had a slight wait, so I took him out and held him, then Kurt carried him around the waiting area so he could check things out and look out windows. The tech there was amazed and said most cats would not allow you to hold and carry them around their waiting room, LOL. Bugsy is not normal, I will give her that. He likes to be cuddled and held though, and had no interest in staying in his carrier, that's for sure.....Anyway, his exam went well and he got three shots, including a rabies, which I have not gotten him in the past since he is an indoor cat. The vet said that rabies has increased by 4 times in MI in the past year, and I am worried if something were to get into the house and bite my kitty, he would not be protected. So, shot it is.......He was better on the ride home. ;). Such a good cat. perfectly bahaved for the vet and the techs. he is kinda annoyed with us now, and I can't say that I blame him.....

I got this new skin care regime I ordered in the mail today. It is called Skin ID and is made by Neutrogena. It seems kinda like Proactiv, but more geared to each individual. They ask you a lot of questions about lifestyle, eating habits, your skin, etc. and gear a line towards you personally. So, we will see how it works for me. 100% money back guarantee, so if I dont like it, nothing lost. My number set is 12-32-38. I like how I have a number set, heh. I am going to start using it tonight.

Came home, worked out, made dinner, did some laundry and am heading to bed soon. there are seriously not enough hours in the day. Work was seriously INSANE today. I was glad to leave right at 5 to take Bugs to the vet.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Loss of Power, Tigers Games and Massage

**This pictures reflects how I temporarily felt when I got my massage tonight.....Yay.

Bought tickets to the Friday night Tigers game tonight, and we have awesome seats, behind home plate, row 10. My fav pitcher is on the mound, Nate Robertson. Love him, and his glasses.....heh. And we are playing our enemy, the White Sox, in a sold out game. This is my first game in like 2 years, so I am pretty excited to head down there.

Work was insane today. We had no power for like almost 3 hours in the morning. Nice. So, I felt totally helpless with no technology...could not copy, check voice mails, check emails, nothing. AARGH. So, I returned some calls on my cell, filed, reviewed documents, met with a couple clients, sent Kory out to run errands. Of course, the rest of the day was filled with excessive phone calls from people who could not reach us in the morning as well as everyone else.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Newest Love

I am in love, I fell in love again tonight with something new. Ulta. It's like Sephora, but has both high end AND low end products AND a salon. Yay. The grand opening of the Allen Park store was tonight and my friend, Nancy (another product whore) and I decided to attend, and have dinner afterwards. Love it. Love how they carry both high and low end. Love how it's only like 15 minutes or less from my office, depending on traffic. Love how they have a point system wherein I can get free gifts. Love how they have deals in store, i.e. spend this amount, get this wonderful little free gift (which Sephora pretty much never has). Have not decided if it is BETTER than Sephora, but it is comparable. Sephora carries a few brands I like that Ulta does not, i.e. Nars, Benefit, Fresh, but Ulta is fabulous just the same. Also, because it was the grand opening night, they gave us coupons for 20% off everything. Yes, you heard me right. I could not let that opportunity pass me, so here is what I got.

Estee Lauder Emerald Dream Spray (like I freaking need another perfume, I have like, not kidding, 40. But, I loved this to pieces, and remember, the coupon, heh, also it is an Ulta exclusive and not available elsewhere)

Rubber Bands (am running low)

Alagio Manderine Isle Color Therapy Shampoo (on sale at the store, whoot, smells amazing)

Burts Bees Pomegranate Soy Shampoo (smells amazing as well, and I have been wanting to try this)

Red Earth Twin Line Duo Effect Eyeliner Pencil (for some reason, SCORE, I was only charged ONE CENT for this product, I am sure a mistake by the store, but hey, I will take it)

Ulta Pro Slanted Eyeshader and Liner Brush (on sale in store more than on the website, whoot)

Jelly Belly Blueberry Muffin Cologne (Oh. My. God. This smells insanely amazing, thanks to Nancy for turning me on to this brand, Demeter. They have a ton of really fun scents for cheap prices.)

Armani Attitude (for Kurt, obviously. He needed some new stuff, he is running low)

100% Pure Blueberry Body Lotion (incredible. I love blueberry, and have never seen a Lotion, link not on website, but similar to the link I provided)

100% Pure Blueberry Body Wash (again, not on website, but link is a different scent)

Quilted Bag (got this for free for making a fragrance purchase, WHOOT, it was a $30 bag that I paid nada for)

Went to dinner with Nancy afterwards at this Mexican place called On the Border that I had never been to before. It was yummy. I had a Lori classic, fish tacos. Yum. Came home and am watching the Tigers game with Kurt (after making him dinner). Work was crazy busy today, and I was happy to have a relaxing night out. Had a headache this morning, which my chiropractor fixed for me. Yay. Thanks, Dr. Thomas! I was really out of wack, ugh. Also had an ortho appointment today for a new wire, which is KILLING me. Hopefully that subsides by tomorrow. Night all!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gardens with my Bestest

Rebecca and I went to the Toledo Botanical Gardens today. Of course, per the norm, it started raining, then pouring, as we started driving there. But, Ohio is MUCH better than MI, because as soon as we crossed the border, it was sunshine and a beautiful sky. Of course, that beautiful sky also equated to really hot temps, and neither one of us wanted to do the entire gardens (there are a lot of good hiking trails, but it was HOTTTT). We did get some nice shots of pics, and it is just nice being around her and gossiping. We were followed the entire way home by THREE cars of guys. And Rebecca was actually WAVING at them and kinda flirting! And she says she is not outgoing! Maybe she is more outgoing when there is no chance of ever meeting the people?? I almost got her to flash them, but she held back. She is a crazy one, I tell ya.

We drove around Ohio too looking for a Friendly's, which I have never been to, but Rebecca tells me that they are really friendly there. Heh. Instead, we went to Steak and Shake since she has never been there. Good, but the shake made me feel kinda sick because of my lactose intolerance thing. Ugh. I feel better now though.

Came back to the house and hung out for a bit, and I wasa exhausted from the sun. I think my fair skin and eyes makes me a horrible candidate for being in the sun a lot, because it just simply exhausts me. Ugh. After Rebecca left, I fell asleep on then couch and woke up with a headache. Fun. I needed her here to massage me! hehe. I feel much better now, but I think I have learned not to combine sun with dairy products. I have issues. ;).

Kurt saw more deer tracks at the pond today AND he claims that my lily pads have actual lillies now! Hooray! I must go take pics. I heart lily pads flowering. Prob the most gorgeous flower to me ever

Edited to add: Rest of the pics from the gardens can be seen by clicking here.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Windchimes at Grama's

Got up today and decided to head to Canton to visit my Grama at her new place and hang with my Aunt. We were going to go to an art fair or maybe out taking pics, and of course, on my drive over, it started to pour. So, we started out by picking up some stuff at my Grama's house and taking it to her at her new place. Which turned into a 2 hour event. My Grama had a list of things for Aunt Karen to get for her, and she had to explain each and every one in great details. Sigh. I like to go see her, but I am not a slow moving person and stuff like that just KILLS me. While she was talking to Aunt Karen, I kinda zoned out and surfed the net on my phone. Saw my dad too, who pulled up as we were leaving.

The rain had let up, kinda, by then, so we stopped and had lunch at Qdoba (where I had never been before) and then headed to the Farmington Art Fair. Qdoba was just OK. I have friends who rave about it, but I would rate it simply OK. My food was good, but Moe's simply blows it out of the water. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I am vegetarian, and they did not have much in that regard on the menu, and I am always sad when Mexican places do not have shrimp or fish options. Moe's fish tacos are to DIE for, more Mexican places should take their lead. The art fair was nice to walk around, did not see anything much I wanted, until I saw this really unique, kewl wind chime. It is made out of old anethesia bottles from the hospital, copper and cobalt blue crystals and beads. Hung it on my backporch and love it. One of the most unique windchimes I have ever seen. I will take a pic when I get a second.....Of course, it started to rain again, so we stopped into TJ Maxx and then headed home. We had seen about everything at that point anyway.

Headed home after that to work out and make dinner. Watched the Tigers lose on a horrible call by the ump. Bah.

I am praying for no rain tomorrow, as I would really like to get out with my camera. Rebecca is coming over and we are supposed to head out to botanical gardens and I am really looking forward to it a lot.

Oh, exciting news! Kurt saw deer tracks at the pond today! We have seen deer a few times in the yard over our years living here, but it is way kewl that they have discovered the pond. I am hoping this means now that they know water is here, they will come back more often. He also saw my squirrel friend who only makes very short appearances. Yay.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Loss of power

Last night, while watching the ONE show I actually watch on regular TV, The Baby Borrowers, the power went out. We rarely lose power at our house, so I was confused......Went outside and looked around and it appeared that nobody else had power either. I called into DTE Energy to tell them, just to get a message thanking me for calling in and telling me my power would be on within 9 hours. How's that for an automated system....So, Kurt and I, being helpless without power, ended up playing chess on my computer, hoping it would not die......He beat me, but it was fun anyway. I was half asleep, and still swear that I would have won if I was awake more. Chess is kinda like pool though, you gotta have patience, and I just don't really have that when being competitive.

Been busy at the office. Kory is up north for cherry season so we are one less at the office, which is annoying for me because I have to answer the phone more then. Thankfully, he will be back on monday.......

SOOOO hot here today. When I stepped outside to go home after the work day, I kinda had a flash of Vegas in my head. Besides the fact that it is super muggy here and not there, the temp and heat felt like Vegas to me when we have been there in the summer. I did not even go with Kurt and the pugs on their walk because I knew the hear would get to me. Instead I fed the birds, changed some garbages, watered my flowers, and did some laundry. I swear, it's never ending at this house with stuff to do.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


OK, one of the new products I got from Sephora, I just had to rave about. Have not tried everything yet, but loved this one.

Too Faced Shadow Insurance

Usually, when I put eye shadow on in the morning, by the time I go to bed, it has either totally faded or almost completely faded. Right now, it's 1045 p.m. I have been to court and walked around in really hot weather between three courts. I worked all day, drove around with the top down in the convertible, took a long walk in the yard, AND worked out. And guess what? My eye shadow looks like it did this morning. LOVE LOVE LOVE this new product. Also used the new eye shadow set I bought, and I love the colors on that as well. Used one of the Philosophy shower gels, Rootbeer, and it smells super yummy.

Will fill y'all in on other products as I use them.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mail Order on the Weekend

Aargh. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not.....Got my Sephora order and my White House Black Market order tonight. Did not like anything in the clothing order. The skirt fit well, but the material is horrible for me, it is kinda shiny black and I can tell it needs to be ironed like every 5 minutes. The top is kinda ugly on for some reason, I am just not digging it. And the flip flops are not comfortable at all, which is a prob for flip flops. White House shoes run kinda narrow though, that may be why I dont like them too. Of course, love everything from Sephora though, without even trying it, LOL.

Weekend was fun. Friday night, we met up with our friends Tammy and Tom at Bob's Boathouse in Wyandotte, which was a blast. The place is new, and is a huge old boat warehouse. The inside is a restaurant, the outside a tiki bar, and it is right on the water. Dinner wasa good, and we sat outside with drinks the rest of the night. Tom is ready to quit his job to invest his entire 401k in Kurt's stock method. Yea, talked him out of that. I think. :). Saturday, I had lunch with my friend, Hollie, at Red Lobster in Southgate. After that, headed to Westland to help move my Grama into the senior apartments she is residing at, at least temporarily. She is not happy about it, but she needs to be someplace before her house can at least be made handicapped accessible. I basically did not do too much moving, but instead sat and talked to my Grama and helped unpack some boxes. Also ran to Target to pick her up a wreath for her door (all the other residents have them), a toaster oven (hers is so shot) and a garbage can for her kitchen. I had not bought her bday presents yet, so this was it......That night, had dinner with Kurt at Quatro's.....Sunday morning, had breakfast with Judy and Ruth from the Board, then Kurt and I worked the rest of the day. Got a lot of paperwork done.

Tonight, had a Board meeting. I am going to post a Secret Blog about that, but will do so another time because I am off to bed.......

Friday, July 11, 2008

Around a Necklace

Went to the Wyandotte Art Fair with my Aunt last night and bought a really kewl cut glass necklace pendant. I get the kewlest stuff at art fairs, and always get a ton of compliments, and the stuff is generally super cheap. Got a cute black chain with it. I can never have enough chains to put this stuff on. Afterwards, we went to dinner at a place I like down there called Austin's H.P. Grille, where I always get the same meal--blackened tuna served oscar style with asparagus and rice. So freaking good every time.

Yea, after the Sephora purchase, made another online purchase yesterday. Whoops. White House Black Market sent me a coupon and they are having a sale, so I bought a cute skirt for work, cute jacket for work and some turquise flip flops (not for work, or at least not for court, LOL).

This morning, I felt like a total girl. I designed an entire outfit around my new necklace. So, I am wearing a cute shirt from White House Black Market, grey dress pants, cute heeled sandals by Steve Madden, and the necklace. I don't think I have ever designed an outfit around jewelry. I am a dork.

Oh, a secret blog has been posted. Click here.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Locked Up Abroad

Kurt and I watched this really good show on Monday night, called Locked Up Abroad. We saw the ones based in Venezuela, Uganda, and Columbia. Wow, freaky show. Loved it though. It is making me second guess my desire to go to Africa though.....Uganda is right next to Tanzania, which is where I want to go. I am sure after some time passes, I will change my mind, but WOW. The people in Uganda were staying at luxury safari resorts, and were taken hostage right out of their rooms. Ugh. The reenactment of the kidnapping were so real, and it scares me just thinking about it. Granted, nothing has happened in Africa like that since 2001, but still.....

Anyway, my point was, if you are into stuff like this, these shows are good. It appears there are more coming and some that have already shown, so I will have to watch those too!

I am an Addict

OK. I went just a tiny bit crazy last night. I went on the Sephora website just to surf around. I need some new mascara, and had read about this product in a magazine (eye shadow primer). While on there, I placed an order. A kinda large order, but I am justifying it by saying that I have not bought anything beauty related in forever. I am starting to get low on a lot of stuff and have forced myself to stop purchasing anything until I use what I have. I kinda let that fly out the door last night, but hey, I WILL use the stuff, I swear! :).

Anyway, here is what I ended up with, I will let everyone know how I like the stuff that is a new item for me.


Too Faced Shadow Insurance

Dior Diorshow Mascara - Black 090 (I have used this product before and it is by far the best mascara I have ever used; highly recommend)

Pop Beauty Eye Class - Green Eyes (I have been wanting this product forever, and for some reason, held off on purchasing......)

Bare Escentuals Get Started Kit - Fairly Light/Light (have been wanting to try this for a while too, and since Sarah is addicted, it must be good)

Philosophy The Soda Fountain (anything by Philosophy is automatically good, its the law)

My three free samples are as follows (you get three with every order on their site)

Yves Saint Laurent L'Homme Eau de Toilette

Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio Pour Homme Eau de Toilette

Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Eau de Toilette Spray

My deluxe sample is as follows (since I am an addict and get this on top of my other samples)

Blinc Kiss Me Mascara in Black

And, with a promo code I had, I also get this for free:

Sephora Brand The Ultimate Eye Sampler

Also, sadly, I saw this really unique and kewl colored shoe in my Shape magazine made by a company called Unisa. Went to the website, and cannot find the shoe anywhere. I now want it even more. Called the site this morning and left a message with someone about my issue, and am hoping for a return call soon. I am sad.

I have also started the search for two new ceiling fans for the living room. I have never liked the ones in there, and I want something really unique and kewl for it there. I really like some of the Fanimation fans, but am looking on a ton of sites for the perfect item. I will know it when I see it...Any suggestions, let me know.

The viewing is today for my stepDad's Mom, and the funeral tomorrow. It is going to be a really hard two days for my family, and I can't be there for them since it is 5 hours away, so I would appreciate everyone keeping them in your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, July 07, 2008

4th of July Girls' Trip

So. Hope everyone had a nice 4th. Mine was awesome, relaxing, and I could not have asked to have spent it with a better friend....:). Pic above is of me and Rebecca, drinking, at a BBQ in Kaleva. Rebecca rarely sees me drink ANY alcohol, so this was a memorable night. We bought stuff before thee BBQ, me choosing Smirnoff Wild Grape, and her a really yummy berry beer. I drank three, which is almost record breaking for me. LOL. My mom was the DD, so I felt safe drinking. Thanks Mom!

So, Rebecca and I left for Manistee at around 1015 or so on Thursday. The trip is around 4 hours from her house, after my drive to her house which is like 50 minutes with the construction going on in Detroit. The drive was super fun, we talked, gossiped and listened to XM Radio (mostly the 80s and 90s stations). Got there, and stopped into House of Flavors, which is where my Mom works. We decided to have lunch, and ate with my Mom's friends, Fred and Bill. I had a super good tuna roll up, and rebecca had a turkey sandwich. After that, drove her around to see the beaches while we waited for my Mom to get off of work. Picked her and her friend Jane up after work to have a drink at TJs in downtown Manistee, then headed home. That night was the fireworks, so we played some Rock Band then headed to the fireworks at the beer tent. The sunset was gorgeous that night, so we got some shots of that and then watched the show. Fred invited us all to his house for a BBQ the next night, and we played Rock Band until like 230 in the morning.

Day two was the 4th. We went to the art fair at the beach, then randomly shopped in downtown Manistee, which was fun. I bought this adorable little bird figurine for my sun room, and a pair of Croc flip flops. I hate regular Crocs, but the flip flops? To die for. So comfy and cute on top of that. Highly recommend. Went to the grocery store after that to pick up BBQ supplies, then headed to Fred's for the party. There was a ton of food, all really good. The corn may have been the best I ever had. So good. I had BBQed salmon, some macaroni salad, corn, veggies, YUM. Then we had smores, which rocked. Got eaten ALIVE by mosquitos, but a good time anyway, hehe. Oh, this was the day Rebecca fell in love as well. We were driving by this abandoned hospital and saw the cops there, which was weird. JUST as we pulled up, we saw one of the cops pulling a gun out, which is RARE for Manistee. don't know what happened, but when I took a pic, and Rebecca looked at it, she was like "that cop is HOT!" From then on, we saw this guy everywhere. Like 3 times a day. She will marry him someday, I know. Oh, Rebecca also rode a motorcycle for the first time at Fred's. She liked it! ;).

Third day, we got up, had breakfast, then headed to the beach for the flea market, went shopping at some other stores in town, chilled at the house, and then headed to dinner at Big Al's, which I had to take Rebecca too. Big Al's is literally, the best pizza and breadsticks ever. Yum. Rebecca, my Mom and I split a small Chicago style pizza and breadsticks. So good. Went to the beer tent after that, where there were bands playing and lots of people and alcohol. Sat and listened to music and hung out, saw some people I knew in high school, but it is SO crowded there, and I did not feel like walking around and finding a ton of people. Left there and went straight to bed....

Next morning, we had breakfast with my Mom, and stopped at House of Flavors on the way out of town so Rebecca could try their ice cream. OK, still the best ice cream ever. I had one scoop split into two--one peanut butter cup and other half cookie dodugh. So good. We drove home after that, listening to this XM Radio rock legends countdown that was awesome.

Overall, the trip was incredibly relaxing. I loved it. I rarely have four days like that when I have no plans, nothing I *have* to do, I can just aimlessly wander and shop.......Can't wait for my next girls' only trip! :).

Rest of the pics from the trip can be seen by clicking here! Enjoy! :).

Food for the Husband

It is storming really badly here. I love lightning and thunder though, for some reason, it calms me.......I hate not being able to go outside though and walk the dogs, fill the bird feeders, etc.

Instead, I have been making dinner, doing laundry, and making these amazing blueberry muffins for Kurt to eat while I am gone. I know he will only eat Taco Bell, pizza and McDonalds while I am gone, so I wanted him to have SOMETHING. I actually thought about making him some sandwiches, but cmon, he can make himself that. LOL.

I finally unpacked ALL vacation bags--LA and Nicaragua and all backpacks and suitcases are closed and put away. Whoot. I was kinda forced to do this as I wanted some stuff to take to Manistee and most of my casual summery clothes were in those bags. There were some pieces of clothing in the Nicaragua bags that I forgot I even owned. Heh.

So, tomorrow morning, Rebecca and I are leaving for Manistee! It's our first girls only trip and I can't wait. Road tripping with Rebecca will be super fun, I am sure. Mapquest says it is 4 hours from her house, which really means less since nobody drives the speed limit in michigan........

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Friends, Shocking Events, and Unpacking

Had a really nice night. :). First, had an appointment with Roman to get my hair highlighted and cut. This was long overdue. I was supposed to go like a month ago, but had to reschedule because I had a work conflict. I only go every three months, and today was four. Ugh. With the summer months though, my highlights last longer because my hair bleaches out from the sun. Anyway. Got to chat with Roman, cut an inch of hair off, get my layers back, and get fabulous new highlights. Yay. I love it. Afterwards, met up with Rebecca and Lesley (who I have not seen in forever) for dinner at Little Tree. YUM. Love Little Tree. Had soup and susgi and some crab wontons. So tasty. And got to catch up with Lesley and harass Rebecca. What more could a girl ask for? hehe.

I called my Mom on the way to Royal Oak and asked what she was up to...She told me that my stepDad's Mom died! I had no idea she was sick. I feel really badly for my stepDad and his Dad. She was only 64 years old. I guess she had something wrong with her pancreas, and they did an operation, where they took care of it, found cancer and removed that as well. The surgery supposedly went well, then when she was recovering the next day, she took a turn for the worse. And then died. It just shows you that life is SO short, and to appreciate the time you have with people. Everyone was relieved the surgery went well and BOOM the next day, she was gone. It's horrible. My mom said everyone is doing OK, considering. They are doing an autopsy, so the funeral will not be this weekend while I am up there. Kinda glad about that because funerals really depress me........

Finally started unpacking the backpacks from the Nicaragua trip. Yea, we are slightly behind. LOL. Threw half the stuff in the washing machine, so I am getting there. Needed some of the stuff to pack for my manistee trip. :).