Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Locked Up Abroad

Kurt and I watched this really good show on Monday night, called Locked Up Abroad. We saw the ones based in Venezuela, Uganda, and Columbia. Wow, freaky show. Loved it though. It is making me second guess my desire to go to Africa though.....Uganda is right next to Tanzania, which is where I want to go. I am sure after some time passes, I will change my mind, but WOW. The people in Uganda were staying at luxury safari resorts, and were taken hostage right out of their rooms. Ugh. The reenactment of the kidnapping were so real, and it scares me just thinking about it. Granted, nothing has happened in Africa like that since 2001, but still.....

Anyway, my point was, if you are into stuff like this, these shows are good. It appears there are more coming and some that have already shown, so I will have to watch those too!


  1. I'll have to watch this show. I really want to go to Africa, too, on African safari, Morocco, Rome, and my old favorites (Paris and London) are on my 'list' of places to visit!

  2. Yea, maybe you should NOT watch the show, LOL. Seriously, it's terrifying.

    Never been to London or Paris. Not so sure on Paris, but I would love to go to London.

  3. That looks so interesting! I'll have to see if I can download them!

  4. Im hooked on this show! and Im so excited they started a new season finally! It is very eye opening. At first I got tired of the drug smuggling stories, but they started mixing in the stories about tourists like you mentioned... like the Hells Kitchen guy (I think) that went to Columbia on a motorcycle tour and was taken hostage. Scary stuff. the recent one on the Philipines was scary too!
