Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I had the day from hell today, which you can read more about on my Secret Blog. Besides the secret blog, we were slammed and I had to go to court unexpectedly which put me even more behind on what I was working on in office. So, after working until 730 PM, we headed home.

I had a package with the mail and was wondering what it was. Opened it, and immediately remembered something I had forgotten about. I am published! My photography that is. I have been published in the paper and online before, but never in a hard copy book! Super psyched. What makes me even more psyched is that I dont seek this stuff out. People see my pics on Flickr and will ask if they can use it, and I always just say yes. Anyway, this book is a travel book on Panama, called Open Roads Best of Panama and TEN of my pics appear in this book, including floral shots, landscape shots, shots of hotels, etc. All the shots are from this series on Flickr. Anyway, I am given credit in the book for my pics, and am just thrilled. It makes me think that if I actually tried to market my pics, I could do something with them. Have no interest in that, but it's nice to know that something I do for relaxation and fun is actually good! :).

Forgot to post that my t-shirt came yesterday, the Obama one, and it is super cute and probably the highest quality t-shirt i have bought from Cafepress. I think the darker colors come out better for some reason. I wore it to dinner last night nad have decided against wearing it to work, heh. I dont want to lose crazy republicans as clients......


  1. Lori,
    That's awesome about your photos!! But I'm not surprised...your photography is fantanstic.

    Regarding Republican clients...I wouldn't care if you were Democrat. As long as you would win my case, you could have two heads for all I cared :)

  2. That's awesome about the book :)

  3. Aww, you lucky lucky girl! Like Andrea, i am not surprised you got published with those pictures..they are absolutely amazing! Congrats!!

  4. Congratulations, Lori, on getting published! Your photos are fantastic, so it's not a surprise that you are included.

  5. Thanks everyone!

    And Andrea, weirdly, I think some people would truly be offended by my political stance and not hire us, so I will just keep it to myself, LOL. I still think the shirt would be super cute under a suit though.....

  6. That's amazing Lori!! Congratulations! Your photos are fantastic, I had no doubt that you would be published one day! :) It's one of my biggest goals to do the same :)

  7. That's awesome about your photos! As everyone else said, it's no surprise, because your photos are amazing!

  8. So jealous! Would love to have something published one day. But everyone is right, your photography is great so no surprise there. I wonder if I should post on Flickr just for the exposure. ;)
