Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's Just Like High School, Palin....

Colleen sent me this article today, via email, and I just loved it. Click here to read the entire thing. My fav part of the article is the quote posted below. This article is entitled GOP: it's just like high school and was written by Garrison Keillor.

"And if you question her qualifications to be the leader of the free world, you are an elitist. This is a beautiful maneuver. I wish I had thought of it back in school when I was forced to subject myself to a final exam in higher algebra. I could have told Miss Mortenson, 'I am a Christian and when you gave me a D, you only showed your contempt for the Lord and for the godly hard-working people from whom I have sprung, you elitist battleaxe you.'"


  1. I love that. I am going to use it for myself. What a great way to divert the topic away from the real issues.

  2. I am floored that Palin has left the country only once (except for Canada and she has also said Mexico). That is too narrow a view of the world! Like the article says, she's like the current occupant of the White House with big hair.
