Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sniffling thru the Weekend

So, still got the cold, but am feeling slightly better, so I think I am through the worst of it.

This weekend was productive, but not really in a fun way. I worked several hours both day, but am seeing a slight dent in my paperwork, so that makes me feel better.

Saturday night was my friend Tammy's surprise b-day dinner. Happy Birthday Tammy! It was held at Memphis Smoke in Royal Oak. Tammy had NO idea, so that was fun! :). She was so happy everyone was there to celebrate with her. I bought her a kewl necklace at Elder Beerman and got her a gift card to Kohl's. Also got her a bday card with Obama on it, which I know she was amused with (especially since she is a conservative republican, LOL). Hollie, her sister in law (and my friend), put the whole night together, bringing a cake and everything. The cake was AWESOME. I need to find out the name of the place that made it because it may have been the best cake I have ever eaten. Food was good too, I had a shrimp pasta. Kurt and I left just as the music was starting (jazz band), because i was already tired (having the cold and such) and Kurt was feeling kinda under the weather as well. Drove home in a torrential downpour, and saw 5 accidents on the way home. Took us 30 minutes longer than it should have to get home, ugh.

Went to Kohl's on Saturday to pick up Tammy's gift card, and ended up buying Kurt and i a couple new things. Bought Kurt a pair of jeans, and a cute polo like shirt, green striped that was on the clearance rack. Bought myself a pair of jeans (daisy fuentes brand, she has some cute stuff in her line), and a really cute short sleeve green sweater. Oh, bought Kurt a cute pair of Sketchers too. He ruins shoes sooo quickly. Stopped at target and about had a heart attack when I could not find a Lori beauty staple, Pantene Detangler. I have been out of it for about a week, and my hair has been super sad. Finally, I found it, hiding behind another Pantene product. Phew. I was thrilled, and did not even care that it was not on sale. I swiped up the last two on the shelf.....

Anyway, off to change my laundry over and take my Nyquil. Hope everyone had a nice weekend! :).

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe you were 10 minutes from my house and didn't call me :-P Not that I know Tammy or anything...
