Thursday, October 02, 2008

Hair Choices

So, in my last post, I talked about changing up my hair. You all know what I look like, and for those of you who don't, here is a quick pic. This is at a baseball game, where I had my hair half way pulled back, I guess not a good shot of my hair, but whatever. It is blonde, with highlights, and about half way down my back, with really long layers. In all the new pics below, please ignore the wisps of blonde hair that snuck into the pics. Could not crop those out.

OK, first pic would make it REALLY different. Red with slight blonde highlights. Sideswept bangs.

Next pic, more of a strawberry blonde with blonde highlights. Perhaps this would be less shocking to me, and I could start with this and work up to the one above......

Next one is similar to my hair color now, but BANGS. Am unsure about the bangs. I think they *look* cute in the pic, but I am very low maintenance, and on me, since I am not about to *do* my hair every day, they would just lie there on me. Plus, Kurt hates bangs.

Another blonde one, slightly red.

Brown hair, which I posted just for fun, and cannot do because Kurt hates dark hair, LOL. Ironic, since he HAS dark hair, but I guess he's just not a fan on famales......I think I could pull it off though! :).

And my future goth look. I look slightly too happy to be *goth*, but hey, it's the closest I am getting to goth. haha.

Anyway, let me know what you think. Don't suggest anything super short or dark, because I would like to remain attractive to my husband, and he hates really short hair and/or dark hair........P.S. Thanks to Nancy for teaching me how to post the pics here!


  1. Holy shit you look HOT in red! I vote red with blonde highlights!!

  2. HAHA, thanks Nancy! I really like the top one, I am just wondering if I will go into shock because it's so drastic.....LOL.

  3. I think you'd look great with the red. But if you don't want to go so drastic, I like the strawberry blond that you posted as well.

  4. I vote for the 1st pic!!!!!

  5. I love the 4th one, the strawberry blonde

  6. I like 2 and 4 :)

  7. And to add my Mom's vote on here, she likes 2 and 4 as well........

    Seriously, this is not going to be an easy decision, LOL.

  8. I like 4.

    I like 2, also, but you'll have to get your hair dyed quite often!

    But I love the cut of 4.

  9. PS: I meant the 1st pic after the one of what your hair looks like now! :)

  10. 4! 4! 4! 4!!!!!!


  11. 2 or 4 -- love them!!

  12. I like the cut on the first pic and the color on the 2nd or 4th.

  13. Definitely the 4th picture!! Red/blonde with wispy love love it! You look beautiful!

  14. My vote is #5!! I love that cut on you! For color, I don't think anything too drastic - the red and dark brown don't thrill me.


  15. another vote for number 4. really, you look pretty in anything, but I think this is the most flattering of the, Kurt doesn't like dark hair huh???
