Monday, December 08, 2008


Tonight, after working late (ugh), and running a school boardd errand, I decided to make dinner, which turned out awesome. I made two recipes I found online, the first being Parmesean Cod and the second a Cheesy Potato Casserole, which I modified slighly. With the potato recipe, I substitued Morningstar Bacon, low fat sour cream, low fat cheese, and with the choice of soup, I used cream of potato. Both meals were AWESOME. The potatoes were incredible. Kory had already eaten and could not resist eating some. The meal was nice too, because I could fit a workout in while everything cooked. The potaoes took 60 minutes, then I put the fish in and worked out another 10 minutes. Perfecto! :). And, we have another half pan of the potatoes left.

I woke up in the middle of the night last night, not feeling well. But stomach was really bothering me, and I sat up for a while in bed, unable to sleep. But, after getting up and walking around a bit, I felt slightly better and went to sleep. But, it meant being exhausted today. Ugh. And the phone was insane at the office. So, I am pretty zonked now at the end of the day.

My pictures came in the mail today from our Osa trip over Labor Day. They came out really good. I need to order an album for them now. :). Also, all my books for the trip came in the mail the past couple days. Yay.

Off to bed......


  1. YUM! Is this the recipe you needed an exact amount of cod for?

  2. I can't wait to see your trip pictures for Galapagos!

  3. Yum, cheesy potatoes!

  4. Look at you, all chef-y. Those sound YUM!

  5. Ugh, you need to rub off on me!! I don't remember the last time that I cooked an actual meal with ingredients!! (the most I've done lately is thrown 4 oz of pork on the foreman and had a salad with it.. hehe)
