Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Back to the Grind

Wow. Monday was sooo hard for me! It is kinda, I guess, our first day back at the office for an entire work day, and then some since we worked late, since, hmmm.............12/12? We worked some half days after we got back from vacay, but that was about it. I think we are officially becoming lazy.....

Got home from work and was exhausted. Made Kurt and I dinner (leftovers for both of us), and proceeded to, after checking my email and stuff, fall asleep on the couch until bedtime. I guess I was tired? :). Did not workout, but whatever. Need a night off once in a while, and I figure, I should not work out if I am half asleep, it could be dangerous. Right?

I decided to donate some money, after returning from the Galapagos, to the Galapagos Research and Conservancy efforts. It's amazing what they are doing there to bring back species and the like that humans and global warming have messed up, and I want to help out with that. I have decided that I need to start finding charities that really "mean" something to me to donate to. I already donate to the local schools, but international things mean a lot to me too, since I plan on leaving the country one day.

Ordered some storage containers on eBay last night. I realize, with cooking more often, when we have leftovers, I have very few containers to put them in, with lids. I end up using mixing bowls and putting tin foil over the top, which is annoying and a waste. So, 100 piece set coming my way! Hopefully, the stuff is OK, but it's for storage, I don't need to spend a lot of money.

I just realized, in doing my year recap, that I have not posted a "Hot Topic" posting in a long time! I need to think some new ones up and post. I love reading everyone's responses to controversial topics. Any ideas for new ones?

Anyway, need to get back to work, but since I fell asleep before blogging last night.......

1 comment:

  1. Of course! See here: http://haskellfamily.blogspot.com/2008/12/trip-report-and-pics.html
