Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year!

New Years Eve was perfect.

We closed the office at 1 p.m. That in itself made the day wonderful, LOL. Headed to Pier One to buy Kurt's Mom's Xmas gifts. Yes, I put off shopping until I am forced to purchase. Oddly, these were my first purchased Xmas gifts of the season! Bought her the softest red blanket I have ever felt, and a really kewl amber colored glass candle holder that is about 3-4 feet tall, then bought a matching candle to put on top of it. Got great deals on everything. Stopped at a Lazy Boy store that was going out of business to check out the deals, and yea, there were not any deals. Ended up buying a piece of artwork for the wall at the office. I would explain it, but it's too difficult. I will post a pic once we figure out where it is going. It was 50% off! Whoot.

After that, went to Kroger to buy supplies for my NYE dinner. Had an awesome dinner. I had ahi tuna tacos, and I made a black bean con queso dip. We bought dessert too, single slices of key line pie and oreo pie. Of course, way too much food. Ended up eating the tacos, but putting away all the dip after trying it. Ate the dessert later that night. Basically, we stayed in, played gin rummy, and did not leave the house. I had a fabulous time. :).

thursday, got up and went to Pinconning to vist kurt's Mom. Took her to lunch, then went to Kurt's sister's house (danielle), and visited with her and Jennah and Alex, our niece and nephew. We have not seen them in forever, so that was really nice. Exchanged gifts with Kurt's Mom, stopped at the cheese store to buy cheese for Aunt Karen and for our house, and headed home. Made the leftover dip for dinner (YUM), with one taco each.....I love my ahi tuna tacos. I did figure out in making the recipe though that I really need a garlic press. Emily recommended one, and when I get time, I will be running out to buy one. I also decided I want a very small food processor. Something low maintenance, and dishwasher safe, but will chop veggies for me easily. I swear, my cooking more, even though cheaper cuz we eat home, is becoming pricey with all the appliances and gadgets I want....haha.

Friday, we went into work, and totally did not want to be there. Suffered through half a day, and since it was fairly quiet, left Amanda there to man the phones and called it quits. Came home, and for the rest of the day, you guessed it. Did nothing. We are getting way too used to this. We need it though.......

Let's see, today is Saturday. I was woken up early to Kurt, telling me to get dressed because, yes, we have hunters on our property again. This is becoming really old, let me tell you. I am going to post more on the secret blog about this and will post a link later. Rest of the day, I did some laundry and chorelike stuff, and we went out for sushi, even though it felt weird going out for sushi on Saturday night, LOL. Wrong night! It was good though.

Happy New Year, everyone! :).

1 comment:

  1. ooh! I love ahi! will you email the hunter story? I want to read the full details! I would be so upset too.
