Monday, January 12, 2009

Today Was Miserable

I have not felt well ALL DAY. Which sucks. I am almost afraid to eat, as my stomach starts hurting, but I don't want to get a headache from not eating. So, I ate really limited food. Of course, had no choice but to go to court today. We had 6 hearings at two different courts, so I had no choice. The hearings I did were pretty low key though, so it's OK and I was glad to not be running like Kurt was....He did 4, I did 2. He knew I felt horrible................

I was hoping to feel better as the day went on, but alas, different symptoms came. I felt kinda lightheaded and tired and had a slight headache. AARGH.

Still don't feel well, but I laid low tonight. I skipped the workout, and kinda sat on the couch and chilled with kurt and the pugs, watched TV, surfed the net.

I am exhausted, so I think I am going to head to bed....nothing exciting to post about today....BLAH.

Get well me!


  1. ((HUGS)) Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better. Hey - send me your e-mail addy so I can invite you to my blog. My e-mail address is:

  2. Hope you feel better!

  3. Feel better soon!!

  4. Aww, that sucks, Lori!
    Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Feel better soon!

    I will invite you to my blog when I get home tonight! ;)

  6. I hope you're feeling better today!

  7. I can't wait until this new lawyer starts to help you!!

    Feel better soon!
