Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So, we got home last night at like 945 p.m., then worked 12 hours today. AARGH.

Anyway, I am working on editing pics, and a trip report and will post as soon as I finish and have time.

I will leave you with this pic, so y'all can be super jealous that I met Heather, and had brunch AND dinner with her! It was awesome to meet her, and I also got to meet her super sweet kitty cat, Manders, and see her place! :).

Overall, awesome trip. I loved Philly, and had a great time exploring and relaxing, and will post more soon. Night!


  1. glad you had a fantastic trip! great picture!

  2. More connections made IRL....so fun!! Great pic! So glad you had fun in Philly... :)

  3. More connections made IRL....so fun!! Great pic! So glad you had fun in Philly... :)

  4. Yay for Philly! It was so fun to finally meet! I'm glad you got home safely :)

  5. I can't wait to read the full report! So glad you loved Philly and so envious that you got to meet Heather!

  6. OMG, sounds *so* fun!

    And how insanely cool that you got to meet Heather!

  7. Such a cute picture!! I love how your bangs both swing the opposite direction! hehe. Lori when we take a pic together in Vegas, I have to be on your right.. my bangs swings to the right too haha.

  8. haha, I like how Nancy is acting like I am already in Vegas with her, LOL.
