Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Red Door

Too tired to post much, so I will leave you with a pic. It's sad that I go away for two days, and it feels like I have 2 months of work on my desk. We will work one day this weekend and catch it all up, but still, I am exhausted. Ugh. And I had two board committee meetings tonight, and on top of all the work at the office, I am super tired.......


  1. Call me crazy, but have you ever thought of referring new clients out so you're not always killing yourself at work? I know you just hired Jessica for just that reason, but, just a thought.

    I just hate seeing you kill yourself on a regular basis at work!

  2. Jessica is training. Until she is totally trained, she is actually causing me MORE work, because on top of the work I do, I have to train her. Luckily, she is smart and prob about done with the training part of this, so things will get better. And no, I am not referring things out. I want to be retired in less than 5 years, it is required that I work my ass off now, even if it does suck royally. Also, February is our crazy busy time here (well, crazier than usual), so it should slow a little bit in the next month or so.

  3. Sucks ass about being crazy busy and having board committee meetings also this week. Great red door pic -- where was it?

  4. That was at the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philly. I have a bunch of kewl pics from the trip, but have not had time to upload most of them yet. I really liked this one though......Thanks!

  5. That is a great picture! Just curious...what are you going to do with yourself when you retire?

  6. What an awesome pic!

    And sucky for all the work...but retirement is just around the corner, my dear! Time for all the fun stuff life has to offer ;)

  7. Hey you need to read Mindy's blog post about 'living in the meantime' :P Life is so short.. what if something bad were to happen to one of you or your family before 5 years? I'm saying this part because I don't want you to work yourself to death or illness, and part because I'm jealous as hell that you can possibly retire in 5 years, and have to say something negative about it :P haha.

  8. No, you are right, Nancy. I should live more in the moment, it just does not fit into my near future goals, LOL.

  9. Happy Weekend Lori!

    Love that pic!
