Sunday, April 19, 2009

Question of the Day

What religion were you raised in, if any?

What religion do you practice now, if any?


  1. Raised Catholic.

    Now? Non-practicing Catholic. More spiritual than religious and Buddhism and the like seem to interest me.

  2. I was raised Catholic too, but went to Baptist summer camp, and to my grandparents Presbyterian (sp) church sometimes too. I guess i was exposed to a lot, but I was baptised, did first communion and confirmation.

    Now? I believe in God, but I dislike organized religion for myself. I have no "problem" with others going to church and the like, however, I look at a lot of religions as cultlike in a way. Not all, but a lot. A lot of chanting, and being "told" what to do and how to believe. I don't believe that one "needs" someone to preach to them in order to be a good believing individual and I sure as heck don't believe that God requires someone to go to a church and give $$ in order to be a good person.

    If I were to practice anything, which I will not, it would be a more meditative religion like Buddhism or something.

  3. I was raised Catholic.

    I am, non-denominational sort-of Christian? I really don't have any desire to get involved in an organized religion (plus there's all that residual guilt from the Catholic Church) but like Rebecca, I consider myself spiritual.

  4. I was raised Episcopalian, but attended Catholic school for 7 years.

    I now don't really believe in organized religion in any form, and while I do consider myself a spiritual person, that has nothing to do with a "God." I find the value system instilled in me by my time going to church when I was little to be really important, though.

  5. Raised Lutheran, went to Lutheran school for 9 years.

    I still consider myself Lutheran even though I do not go or belong to a church. I have several opinions about churches in general, but I know that they are not all the same. I like to go, but sometimes the rigamaroll that comes along with it is a turn off.

  6. Until I was 8, I was raised Lutheran.

    From 9-14, I was raised Southern Baptist.

    From 14-17, I attended a non-denominational Christian church.

    I am of no religion now. I consider myself a follower of Christ. I teach a Bible Study through a non-denominational church, but rarely attend "services."

    I struggle, big time, with organized religion, and really don't identify with any of them.

  7. Raised Catholic.

    Experimented with other religions, but none of them felt 'right.'

    Now? Probably non-practicing Catholic. My daughter goes to a Catholic school and I love the values being instilled in her (the respect for adults, the idea that we need to help other people) but we don't go to church on a weekly basis. Because of that I have to pay more each year to keep her in her school, but that's ok.

  8. Jenn--You have to pay EXTRA because you don't go to church every week? What is the logic behind that? Is it because you are not donating each week at mass?

  9. We had the same policy at our Catholic school - parishoners got a break on tuition because the parish subsidized their costs.

  10. From birth to 16, was raised in a non-denominational Christian church.

    Fell away from organized religion from 16-24. Began going to a non-denominational Christian church after I broke off the engagement (he was a total non-believer) and have been going ever since.

  11. Lori,
    The reasoning behind paying more is that the regular churchgoers tithe each week and I don't. Supposedly it evens out. It wouldn't matter which parish I attended as long as I was going each month. There is a form that the parish office has to sign stating that I attend each week. Since I don't turn the form in, I pay a higher rate.

  12. I was raised Catholic... went to Christian Montessori PS, Catholic School, took Catechism classes etc.
    At 15, when it was timed to get confirmed I decided it didn't feel right to me.
    From 16-21 went to Catholic mass for holidays occasionally. And to non-denominational Christian church for a short time at 21.

    Finally at 21, I gave up on making myself believe. It's never been logical to me- even as a child. I do, however, appreciate (some) values and morals from being raised Catholic.

    I consider myself Agnostic. I feel that I am spiritual, practice yoga and meditation. However, I do not believe in religion or the traditional idea of a "God" or any other super-being.
    If anything, I feel some Buddhist beliefs are a good practicum for life.
