Thursday, April 23, 2009


We took the entire office out yesterday for Administrative Assistant's Day. It was really nice. We let Kory and Misty pick the place, so we had Mexican......Love going out with the whole office. That night, Misty, Jessica and I went to Pure NV for pedicures. So, my toes are now Spring ready! Which is good, since it is going to be 80 degrees here tomorrow, supposedly. Yay. I heart nice weather. It makes me happy. It wasa Misty's first pedicure ever, so we were laughing at her because she was overly excited about everything, asking questions, etc. The girl there must have been amused by us, because our conversation ranged from work to penises to gossip to orgasms...... After the pedicures, we all went to Pete's Place in Taylor for dinner. Love those girls....It is so nice to work with people you actually like and can be friends with as well. It makes a really stressful job a lot easier to deal with.

Today, it was nice to be in the office all day. We sent Stacey and Jessica to court this morning, which meant we could both be in the office. I got a bunch of paperwork cleared off my desk and could have gotten more if i had not had so many appointments in the office. Left work and stopped at the grocery store since none of my pets had food in the house with the exception of what was in their bowls. Now everyone, including the strays outside, are fully stocked, ;). Had a board meeting tonight that went way too late and am now watching the Tigs.

So, nothing exciting, but wanted to post a quick update! hugs.


  1. Let me know when your hiring :)

  2. Such a great staff! I'm with Lisa :)
