Monday, August 31, 2009

Cleaning Out my Closet

I cleaned out most of my closet this weekend L(literally, not figuratively), and am donating like two garbage bags full of clothes and shoes to Good Will. Insane. I was pleased when going through it all that I did wear the stuff and don't feel like any of my past clothing purchases are wasteful or anything. My style has just slightly changed, and my motto is "If you have not worn it in a year, you are never going to wear it...." While doing this though, I found a cute dress I forgot about and a pile of workout pants I had forgotten about, so YAY!

Now, I need Kurt to do the same thing.......It's been like two years since we went through things and donating anything.


  1. I love doing that, it's like shopping all over again but not spending the money!

  2. I love going through my closet and finding stuff that I forgot about or finding a new way to wear it.

    I'm avoiding this right now in hopes that I'll clean it out when I buy a house ;)

  3. I love cleaning my closet too!! I wanna see pics of your closet! It must be so full with all the cute clothes you buy! WHERE do you get all these coupons? I think coupons are more popular in the us, I don't even know hwere to find any here hehe.
