Monday, October 12, 2009

13 Years

How crazy is it that I have now been with Kurt for 13 years? Insanity. And our relationship just gets better all the time. I could not ask for anything more in a husband, and although neither one of us in perfect and we have our disagreements, I think we have both discovered some of the secrets of an almost perfect relationship, although really, I can't even share them because I can't really describe it in words.

I am truly blessed to be married to someone I consider my best friend, and get to spend so much time with him every day since we work together as well. I love that our relationship is soooo easy, and I am never one to say that our marriage is work at all. It just "is", and I would not have it any other way.

Anyway, HAPPY DATING ANNIVERSARY, baby! I love you, and can't wait to spend the next 13 years with you (and more).


  1. Congrats and happy anniversary!

  2. That is so adorable and congratulations! I love hearing about your relationship because it does sound so perfect and healthy!

  3. Happy anniversary!

  4. Happy Dating Anniversary, that's awesome! :)

  5. I love how happy you are. Aw!!!

  6. That's awesome, Lori!

    I was someone who always had to WORK at it with everyone I've ever been with. Craig and I? No work. It's been a blissful 2 years! I would LOVE 11 more of the same!

    I am thrilled for you and Kurt!

  7. Which is EXACTLY why I think Craig is the one for you, Mindy! Maybe I am spoiled with Kurt, but I just don't think marriage or relationships should require a lot of work. Or maybe, if one considers the time you put in "work", you are viewing it wrong? Who knows......

    Anyway, thanks everyone!

  8. Happy Anniversary!

  9. Happy Anniversary!!

    Well, since I've blogged about hitting a rough patch in my marriage and having to work on that.. Here's my little defense : I'm obviously imperfect... oh really honnestly I think of myself as a pretty messed up person. Sometimes I go through phases of being more messed up. That was one of those phases. Working on my marriage in my case means working on ME, so that I'm liveable with hehe.

  10. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Happy Anniversary! :)
